Clark or Moeki?

Dallas Clark has 93 receptions for 1054 yards and 10 TDs IN THE NFL this year.

Tony Moeaki has 26 receptions for 302 yards and 4 TDs in the Big Ten.

I don't understand how you compare them. You think that a little bit of blocking ability is worth 70 catches, 700 yards, and 6 or more touchdowns?! I don't care who the "better athlete" is, Dallas Clark will be more of a factor in a game than Moeaki.

Not sure the NFL argument holds water, apples to oranges. We've seen some tremendous college players not pan out in the nfl...this is like saying Matt Cassell was better than Chuck Long. Now if you want to compare what Clark did at Iowa compared to Tony....full speed ahead :)
for as strong as he is, Tony breaks few tackles. With the best WR tandem weve had in a while in DJK and McNutt, Tony disappeared at times this year.

Dallas and it isnt even close.
Are you comparing collegiate Moeaki to professional Clark? Or is this a choice between the two at their collegiate prime? The first scenario, no questions, Clark. The second, well that's completely debatable.
I'll take Brandon Myers! lol Really the cool thing about Iowa is most of our players are multidimensional and multitalented our TE's block and catch equally or they dont see the field for the most part.

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