CJB Shirt


New Member
Last week I put out a design for people to use to support CJB, and it seemed to really catch on. I've seen a lot of people using it for their avatars, which is awesome. I also saw people asking for it on a shirt, so I wanted to let people know that it is available as a shirt over here, if that's something you're interested in. Otherwise, carry on.



  • sunshine.jpg
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Last week I put out a design for people to use to support CJB, and it seemed to really catch on. I've seen a lot of people using it for their avatars, which is awesome. I also saw people asking for it on a shirt, so I wanted to let people know that it is available as a shirt over here, if that's something you're interested in. Otherwise, carry on.

Awesome design.Very simple (mean that as a compliment), clean. Dig it.
Like it, why not add his number? Back when Greene was running rough shod thru the BIG. Someone printed up Tshirts and sold them outside the stadium of the Penn State game. It said 'Nothing runs like 23".. It was green and had his number.

The fact that you made this Tshirt speaks to CJs popularity with the fan base. Wish KF got it and played his best QB.

Here is Kirk's shirt........plain and rhymes w/Manilla
Like it, why not add his number? Back when Greene was running rough shod thru the BIG. Someone printed up Tshirts and sold them outside the stadium of the Penn State game. It said 'Nothing runs like 23".. It was green and had his number.

The fact that you made this Tshirt speaks to CJs popularity with the fan base. Wish KF got it and played his best QB.

I wish YOU were the coach. You know SO much!
Robert Gallery
Mitch King, awesome.

That's the best part, it's so versatile haha...

Like it, why not add his number? Back when Greene was running rough shod thru the BIG. Someone printed up Tshirts and sold them outside the stadium of the Penn State game. It said 'Nothing runs like 23".. It was green and had his number.

The fact that you made this Tshirt speaks to CJs popularity with the fan base. Wish KF got it and played his best QB.

I tried to play it as copyright safe as possible, but I believe the site I go through allows customers to customize their purchase if that's something people want.

FWIW I support both Beathard and Rudock, Jake just doesn't have the hair factor.

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