Christian McCaffrey


Well-Known Member
Childhood memories flooded my mind when Brent Musberger talked about Christian McCaffrey's heritage. I did not know that His maternal grandfather was Dave Sime, a hero of mine when I was a young boy.

Sadly the Des Moines Register did not have a feature story on Dave Sime before the Rose Bowl as he is a Drake Relays legend. The Register is now just a local McPaper.

On a cold rainy day at the Drake Relays in 1956, Dave Sime beat Abilene Christian's Bobby Morrow in the 100 yard dash on a cinder track that had standing water. Mud and water were exploding from their feet as they sped down the track. Sime won in the time of 9.4. I know this because as a young boy I was in the stands with my father. The picture of that finish was in the Drake Relays programs for many years.

Sime later held the world record in the 100 and 220 yard dashes and the 220 yard low hurdles. However, he hurt his leg before the Olympics and Morrow went on to
win the gold in the 100, 200 and 4X100 relay in the Olympics in Melbourne.

Sime was a baseball player at Duke. At 6-3, he was a swashbuckling centerfielder with a shock of bright red hair. He signed with the Brooklyn Dodgers
which thrilled me as I am a Dodger fan. Either an inability to hit the curveball
or the lure of Duke Medical School ended his baseball career. Players in those days did not earn astronomical salaries like they do today. Sime became a successful eye surgeon.

The Duke football coach asked him to come out for football due to his astronomical speed.Special plays were designed for him and he torched Notre Dame in his first year of football with long touchhdowns. He was drafted by the Detroit Lions but never signed in the NFL.

Duke University honored Dave Sime as their greatest athlete of the century.
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There is more to this story as I received this email from a friend on the West Coast:

On the radio broadcast of the Rose Bowl game, Brian Griese told us that Dr. David Sime was the opthalmologist for the Miami Dolphins. He diagnosed Bob Griese as being almost
blind in one eye. From that day onward, Bob Griese wore the Kareem Abdul Jabbar type prescription glasses while playing football for the Dolphins. I also remember Dave Sime

when he was an American track legend from 1956 to 1960.
Christian reminds me of Marshall Faulk. The way he made cuts on that grass was just amazing. Kid has balance, speed, vision, etc. Could be an all-time great.
good comparison but in my opinion I haven't seen anyone that explosive and able to get to full speed as quick as Reggie Bush. I did not have the opportunity to watch him this year but he is the real deal. I was very impressed with him as well as Stanford as a whole. Coach Shaw has done a great job. It made me think what could have been if Wehger stuck around for 4 years. He is the closest Iowa back with anywhere close to his skills I have seen.
The young student athlete is a great player. I am disappointed our guys did not tackle him all night. I am convinced they will learn from their mistakes.
Was Christian McCaffrey at the game? I don't remember seeing him maybe he wasn't even there.