Children's Hospital Top Floor


Well-Known Member
They said on the broadcast that while the hospital was being built KF asked if the hospital was tall enough to see the field. When the answer was No, he and Mary led the way and donated money to add the extra floor. Not many coaches would do that ,it shows that he just doesn't think about himself but cares about others.
They said on the broadcast that while the hospital was being built KF asked if the hospital was tall enough to see the field. When the answer was No, he and Mary led the way and donated money to add the extra floor. Not many coaches would do that ,it shows that he just doesn't think about himself but cares about others.
I didn't know that either. If that's true.... Just build the guy a statue now.
So let me get this straight. KF and Mary ponied up the extra $$$$$$$$$$, just so the kids could suffer thru watching his boring ass 3 yards and a cloud of dust antiquated offense!! Not sure to pat him on the back or scold him!!
They need to put the Ferentz statue in the SE corner outside Kinnick and have the statue looking up at the Stead Family Children's Hospital and waving.
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So the fuskers coach buying tickets for the football team doesn't trump that? Go ahead KF bashers make fun. It'll just show what kind of people you are. I think we already new.
They said on the broadcast that while the hospital was being built KF asked if the hospital was tall enough to see the field. When the answer was No, he and Mary led the way and donated money to add the extra floor. Not many coaches would do that ,it shows that he just doesn't think about himself but cares about others.
That's odd, because I'm pretty sure the top 4 floors can see the entire field and the top 5th and/or 6th floors can see most if not all the field.

The Children's Hospital has 14 floors. This is the view from the 11th floor:

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So the fuskers coach buying tickets for the football team doesn't trump that? Go ahead KF bashers make fun. It'll just show what kind of people you are. I think we already new.

Yep!! It does..

What’s funny is I get labeled as I KF guy, but I’m not. I was ready for Hayden to retire and many fans were as well those final 3 to 4 years.. But Hayden deserved to leave on his terms.. KF deserves the same, he represents what IOWA is all about and he has the right IMO to leave when he wants, unless things go completely sideways, but nothing he is doing suggest that’s happening.. I would be curious though if you look at KF Iowa Coaching career, after what year would he have deserved to being fired.
Yep!! It does..

What’s funny is I get labeled as I KF guy, but I’m not. I was also ready for Hayden to retire as wel and many fans were as well those final 3 to 4 yearsl.. I will say this though KF represents what IOWA is all about and he has deserved the right IMO to leave when he wants, unless things go completely sideways, but nothing he is doing suggest that’s happening.. I would be curious though if you look at KF Iowa Coaching career, after what year would he have deserved to being fired.
Holy contradiction, Batman!
They need to put the Ferentz statue in the SE corner outside Kinnick and have the statue looking up at the Stead Family Children's Hospital and waving.

If true I seriously doubt he'd want that. That's just not who he is. As far as the amount of money, giving a million or two wouldn't be a terribly big deal for him. In his tax bracket, a million gift would be more like 600k. Nice gesture,even a great gesture, but I'd be more impressed with someone making 60K giving 3K. He's got a lot of zeroes on his paychecks. A number of coaches in the same situation would offer the same.

So was it the observation floor?

Yep!! It does..

What’s funny is I get labeled as I KF guy, but I’m not. I was ready for Hayden to retire and many fans were as well those final 3 to 4 years.. But Hayden deserved to leave on his terms.. KF deserves the same, he represents what IOWA is all about and he has the right IMO to leave when he wants, unless things go completely sideways, but nothing he is doing suggest that’s happening.. I would be curious though if you look at KF Iowa Coaching career, after what year would he have deserved to being fired.

Now I know why I don't like you (see bold above). There are plenty if not many fans who would like to see KF go. So, your opinion is OK to talk about and others aren't? Another one of those guys huh?
Now I know why I don't like you (see bold above). There are plenty if not many fans who would like to see KF go. So, your opinion is OK to talk about and others aren't? Another one of those guys huh?

Many people were ready Gold just like now., I guarantee to you that the same people screaming for KF Head now would have been howling at the moon for Fry to be gone.. Fry is my favorite coach of all time and he earned the right to walk when he wanted, but he did hang on a bit to long. The difference is I didn’t flame around a board posting constant negative crap like you and a couple others do..

As for KF yes it certainly is time but like Fry and many coaches who have been afforded the opportunity to stay with a program as long as they have they end up staying to long.. My guess is KF will be no different.. But when I look at the body of work Ferentz has earned that right, like it or or not, he has!!

I’m also not in the same boat as others who think Brian takes over after KF leaves. I think the odds of that happening are slim and none..
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They said on the broadcast that while the hospital was being built KF asked if the hospital was tall enough to see the field. When the answer was No, he and Mary led the way and donated money to add the extra floor. Not many coaches would do that ,it shows that he just doesn't think about himself but cares about others.
Please change title of thread to "Announcers make up story about Kirk paying for additional floor to children's hospital."
Many people were ready Gold just like now., I guarantee to you that the same people screaming for KF Head now would have been howling at the moon for Fry to be gone.. Fry is my favorite coach of all time and he earned the right to walk when he wanted, but he did hang on a bit to long. The difference is I didn’t flame around a board posting constant negative crap like you and a couple others do..

As for KF yes it certainly is time but like Fry and many coaches who have been afforded the opportunity to stay with a program as long as they have they end up staying to long.. My guess is KF will be no different.. But when I look at the body of work Ferentz has earned that right, like it or or not, he has!!

I’m also not in the same boat as others who think Brian takes over after KF leaves. I think the odds of that happening are slim and none..

That's fair. I do disagree though. Fry I believe had downswings due to his assistants being wanted. KF has had relative stability in comparison and still struggles. Still, I don't call for his firing. I would like to see added real incentives, but that was tossed out the door with the last contract. Something like a bonus of plus 350 yard games...heck I don't know.....
If true I seriously doubt he'd want that. That's just not who he is. As far as the amount of money, giving a million or two wouldn't be a terribly big deal for him. In his tax bracket, a million gift would be more like 600k. Nice gesture,even a great gesture, but I'd be more impressed with someone making 60K giving 3K. He's got a lot of zeroes on his paychecks. A number of coaches in the same situation would offer the same.

So was it the observation floor?


I've always been amused--very amused--at the "I'd-give-that-much-too-if-I-had-his-paycheck!" and/or "Given-what-he-makes-his-donation-is-not-all-that-impressive" crowd. How many people making $60k DID give $3k, by the way?

Or, to paraphrase Dave Ramsey, "How many poor guys ever built an orphanage, a library or a hospital?!"

When someone writes a check for $1 million, or ten checks that total $1 million, or 100 checks that total $1 million, it isn't something you dump on. Or more precisely, it isn't something a person of humility, grace and honor dumps on.

For every worthy cause that comes across the desk of a wealthy, giving-oriented person, there are 20 that run the gamut from overly ambitious to mildly hare-brained to absolutely hogwash. The wise and wealthy giver shouldn't be dumped on too often. Sustained sentiment along those lines can have power, including the "power" to turn those donations elsewhere and away from said sentiment.
I've always been amused--very amused--at the "I'd-give-that-much-too-if-I-had-his-paycheck!" and/or "Given-what-he-makes-his-donation-is-not-all-that-impressive" crowd. How many people making $60k DID give $3k, by the way?

Or, to paraphrase Dave Ramsey, "How many poor guys ever built an orphanage, a library or a hospital?!"

When someone writes a check for $1 million, or ten checks that total $1 million, or 100 checks that total $1 million, it isn't something you dump on. Or more precisely, it isn't something a person of humility, grace and honor dumps on.

For every worthy cause that comes across the desk of a wealthy, giving-oriented person, there are 20 that run the gamut from overly ambitious to mildly hare-brained to absolutely hogwash. The wise and wealthy giver shouldn't be dumped on too often. Sustained sentiment along those lines can have power, including the "power" to turn those donations elsewhere and away from said sentiment.

Ramsey has a point to a degree, but how many rich people have built an orphanage. I've done work in one and even adopted 2 when I didn't really need anymore. The people who do the work in fact are usually on the low side of income. I've taken university groups to countries like this and about 1/2 won't even set foot in one.

Here is the break down btw. I know quite a few who give more than 3k on 60k or there about.

Ramsey has some ridiculous figures on car spending, but he admit it's his weakness.

I never dumped on KF's donation. I simply said it isn't that great of a deal. It's not a minor deal either. Maybe you heard about the poor widow who was the most famous giver ever.

Not to brag, but I also do volunteer work in the E St. Louis project area. Most of my colleagues are not rich.

When those who have a lower income can't itemize their charity is not tax deductible. KF's was at 40 percent. There is a higher incentive to give if you make a lot of money. I'm going to PR sometime in the near future. I'm guessing the average income going is about 50 to 80 K and are giving 2 weeks of their lives in pretty bad conditions.

As much as it's not good to tear down the rich for charity, it is oft a quick defense of those who have it to throw it back on lesser income.

I don't think a statue is in order not do I think he'd want one.

Ramsey has a point to a degree, but how many rich people have built an orphanage. I've done work in one and even adopted 2 when I didn't really need anymore. The people who do the work in fact are usually on the low side of income. I've taken university groups to countries like this and about 1/2 won't even set foot in one.

Here is the break down btw. I know quite a few who give more than 3k on 60k or there about.

Ramsey has some ridiculous figures on car spending, but he admit it's his weakness.

I never dumped on KF's donation. I simply said it isn't that great of a deal. It's not a minor deal either. Maybe you heard about the poor widow who was the most famous giver ever.

Not to brag, but I also do volunteer work in the E St. Louis project area. Most of my colleagues are not rich.

When those who have a lower income can't itemize their charity is not tax deductible. KF's was at 40 percent. There is a higher incentive to give if you make a lot of money. I'm going to PR sometime in the near future. I'm guessing the average income going is about 50 to 80 K and are giving 2 weeks of their lives in pretty bad conditions.

As much as it's not good to tear down the rich for charity, it is oft a quick defense of those who have it to throw it back on lesser income.

I don't think a statue is in order not do I think he'd want one.


Agree on the statue. On the rest, you're trying too hard.

I was simply asking how many people who make $60k gave $3k for the hospital, not a made up table designed to justify why the "rich" are miserly, selfish or should be taxed "more" because they can "afford it".

I'm very familiar with the poor widow. I even understand the Biblical significance.