Cheer for isu when?

Already been talking to my kids about how it works in our house:

ALWAYS Cheer for Iowa
Cheer for your fellow state teams unless playing Iowa
Cheer for your conference, unless to detriment of Iowa.
If unsure, cheering for the underdog is usually encouraged.

For the most part, if Iowa is known as a strong football state, it IS good from the Iowa program as well.

Kids had a hard time deciding who to root for last weekend with ISU and UNI. In the end, they decided they would just try to enjoy the game!

Go Hawks!
I always root for what is best for Iowa. ISU doing well in the Big 12 definitely helps Iowa, especially this year if we have any hope of getting to the NC game. I would be ecstatic if they beat Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Texas this year. If ISU ever needed to lose for Iowa to get to a better bowl game, I would root for them to lose. Otherwise, when they don't play Iowa, I am definitely rooting for ISU.

Same goes for Arizona this year. If they do well it helps Iowa, so I'm rooting for them, but I also realize that they need to lose a couple games so we can jump them in the rankings. So, I hope Arizona beats all the top teams in the Pac-10, and then loses 2 games to like USC and UCLA or something.
I have often pointed out to clowns that them rooting against us is a great display of how insignificant their program is. Relevant teams and their fans root for the teams they play because their wins help the strength of schedule, and therefore your own teams BCS ranking and which (if any) bowl game you go to. This has NEVER been an issue for the clowns since they have NEVER has a realistic shot at a BCS game or even a significant bowl. Ever. The simple fact they don't care about SOS shows how insignifcant their team is. They are by definition bad fans because they care more about some wierd, obsessive, illogical sense of revenge than they care about whats best for their own team.
We should definitely root for them this season because if they lose to us by a margin of 70-10 in the past two seasons and then turn around and do well against the big 12 that makes us look great. Not to mention them knocking off teams that are ahead of us.
Go Hawks! and Go Clowns (ugh)!
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If they ever have a game with the Taliban, Iran, or North Korea.............I will cheer for the Clones.
I root for them when they play ne1 besides us, but at the same time i laugh when they lose and lmao when they get "kicked in the stones" but thats me :)
I'm really at odds with myself over this one. While I understand the BcS implications of having your opponents do well in order to enhance your own teams SOS, I cannot bring myself to root for ISU. I wish them well in their quest to get out of the B12 cellar, but root for them?

They are one of the four teams I will not root for. The other three are tOSU, Notre Dame and the cornholers on our western border.
every game except when they play iowa.

I watch almost every game (iowa and college football in general) with my friend who went to iowa state. He roots for iowa state first, but supports iowa in every other game. I can respect that.

I'm not sure if it's just an unspoken agreement we have (we've never made one), or if it just makes the beer drinking more enjoyable.

Regardless, I am NOT rooting for nebraska, texas, etc to beat Iowa State. That's absurd to me.

As far as I'm concerned, the rivalry is dead. Someday, if ISU is threatening us for a BCS bid or something, I'll have to re-evaluate.
I always root for what is best for Iowa. ISU doing well in the Big 12 definitely helps Iowa, especially this year if we have any hope of getting to the NC game. I would be ecstatic if they beat Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Texas this year. If ISU ever needed to lose for Iowa to get to a better bowl game, I would root for them to lose. Otherwise, when they don't play Iowa, I am definitely rooting for ISU.

Same goes for Arizona this year. If they do well it helps Iowa, so I'm rooting for them, but I also realize that they need to lose a couple games so we can jump them in the rankings. So, I hope Arizona beats all the top teams in the Pac-10, and then loses 2 games to like USC and UCLA or something.

Bing-freaking-o. Could not say it better myself. Always root for them when they're not playing us since it helps us. Other than that, I don't really care what they do. If they weren't on our schedule, I probably wouldn't even track who they're playing.
I would like to see them win every game except Iowa. I don't get as happy when they win or as down when they lose, but I want them to win.
I cheer for every team we play because college sports are pretty much a ratings game and you need that schedule to look as good as possible. This means I cheer for Iowa State. When we play them though I want to beat them badly.

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