Chances of Getting Brust and Larson back?

Zero - None; sorry to bum you out, but all that "Iowa is still in the mix" crap is just PR.
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I'll give it 35%. They need to be sure they find the right fit. It may still be us. But people need to remeber that these guys have to get their release to even talk to other schools about playing again, so just because they've been released doesn't mean they won't come back.
Tons of offers already for both of them. I they come it would be because they really would want to be here. With the likes of Wisconsin, Minnesota, Wake Forest and Florida involved it would quite a leap of faith for an not life time hawk fan to come to Iowa over those other schools. I would probably still do it if I had the chance but I have always loved the Hawkeyes. Neither of these kids grew up cheering for the Hawks. If they come Fran is the MAN.
They're both gone. I still believe Cody Larson is a risk recruit. Suspended twice while in high school! Wait until he gets to college,where he can really party. This kid will not make it,where ever he goes.
Tons of offers already for both of them. I they come it would be because they really would want to be here. With the likes of Wisconsin, Minnesota, Wake Forest and Florida involved it would quite a leap of faith for an not life time hawk fan to come to Iowa over those other schools. I would probably still do it if I had the chance but I have always loved the Hawkeyes. Neither of these kids grew up cheering for the Hawks. If they come Fran is the MAN.

I completely agree with this. Since they committed, Larson has seen the last two seasons results and Brust last season. I'm sure they believed at the time the program would have improved since then, but we all know how that turned out. How can anybody not understand why they would be second guessing their decision after witnessing this carnage is beyond me. I'm truly surprised (and impressed) that more of them aren't reconsidering.

Sure I'd still want to be a Hawkeye, but that's because I went to school there and know how great it is to be a Hawkeye. That's not their situation. When he committed to Iowa, Brust had scholarship offers from Iowa, Butler, Northwestern, Bradley, Southern Illinois and Davidson. Of those schools, Iowa was clearly his best choice (who knew about Butler?). But with these kids not having a Hawkeye background, who can blame them for wanting to look at some of the winning programs that are now showing interest. Winning is a lot more fun than losing.

I do hope they still end up as Hawkeyes because I think they're good players, but I'm not holding my breath on that one. However, I trust that Fran will rebuild this team regardless of what happens.

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