Chances of Being 5-4 on Dec 7th


Well-Known Member
Over the next 9 days the Hawkeyes play 4 tough games. If we hadn't won our first five games, then expectations during this tough stretch would be pretty low. What are your current expectations for the next 4 games? How shocked will you be if they drop all four? My guess is that the Hawks go 2-2 (lose at MSU and either Badgers or Clones).
I would be shocked if they lost to Pitt, and concerned if they lost to Wisky. But the other games are really tough, and we're definitely waaaaaaaaay overrated, as the Oregon/Texas Southern game showed. UConn hasn't beaten anybody with a pulse, either.

Beat ISU and my outlook will change a bit. I just don't see that happening.
I would be shocked if they lost to Pitt, and concerned if they lost to Wisky. But the other games are really tough, and we're definitely waaaaaaaaay overrated, as the Oregon/Texas Southern game showed. UConn hasn't beaten anybody with a pulse, either.

Beat ISU and my outlook will change a bit. I just don't see that happening.
Wisconsin is a much tougher game than ISU.
Wisconsin is a much tougher game than ISU.

I don't think so, matchup wise. The last time they played Iowa, it was 59 - 57 Wisky, and they score a similar number of points this year.

Iowa State is pretty deep this year, and they've been scoring in the high 70's low 80's in each game. Iowa can score on most teams, but they have trouble when playing other high-powered offenses - they tend to have defensive issues.

I like Iowa a lot more against a team that likes to slow it down, because it only takes three or four turnovers and the Hawks have a good lead, while the other team already has limited possessions due to style of play. Yeah, Wisconsin may have a good night and keep Iowa below 65, but they rarely get out of the fifties themselves. Iowa State can take advantage of Iowa's weakness defensively in a much bigger way.

I say I'd be concerned if Wisky beats Iowa, because it would mean that the defense hadn't really improved at all, so Wisconsin got to run the whole game their way and the final ended up in the mid fifties. It has bigger repercussions, due to who they will play the rest of the way, to the rest of the season than ISU, who is capable of blowing the doors off of any poor defensive team, though not necessarily capable of beating a better balanced team outside of Hilton. If Wisky controls the tempo, same ol Hawks.
MSU is most likely an L
Everything else pretty much coin flips

So it’s possible.
I don't think so, matchup wise. The last time they played Iowa, it was 59 - 57 Wisky, and they score a similar number of points this year.

Iowa State is pretty deep this year, and they've been scoring in the high 70's low 80's in each game. Iowa can score on most teams, but they have trouble when playing other high-powered offenses - they tend to have defensive issues.

I like Iowa a lot more against a team that likes to slow it down, because it only takes three or four turnovers and the Hawks have a good lead, while the other team already has limited possessions due to style of play. Yeah, Wisconsin may have a good night and keep Iowa below 65, but they rarely get out of the fifties themselves. Iowa State can take advantage of Iowa's weakness defensively in a much bigger way.

I say I'd be concerned if Wisky beats Iowa, because it would mean that the defense hadn't really improved at all, so Wisconsin got to run the whole game their way and the final ended up in the mid fifties. It has bigger repercussions, due to who they will play the rest of the way, to the rest of the season than ISU, who is capable of blowing the doors off of any poor defensive team, though not necessarily capable of beating a better balanced team outside of Hilton. If Wisky controls the tempo, same ol Hawks.
Iowa beat UW at Carver 85-67 last season.

Anyway I do think you have a point about Iowa hopefully being able to outscore UW and matching up with that style better. That said IW is a better team than ISU and it’s a conference game.
0% chance!
I like our chances now that we struggled, but won, against Pitt. This is the kind of game we needed to keep us pushing forward. I like us having both Wisky and ISU at home. MSU will be tough to beat on the road, but its not impossible. There are gonna be games like this, and I’m not gonna pretend we are gonna go undefeated. I would just be happy if no team is able to blow us out and we are competitive enough to go out and have a chance to win at the end of every game. That’s all you can ask or expect. If they can do that, they will be successful more often than not.