Castillo = Kirk's next big mistake

Agreed. I didn't think Castillo was terrible today. He certainly wasn't as bad as he was when he started a couple years ago. When the initial 2-deeps came out in July I commented on him being comparable to Shada. After today I think he's better than Shada...but there's still time for Castillo to prove me wrong!

I agree w/ prior posters that commented that the DL not getting any pressure just magnifies any deficiencies in the defensive backfield. And even if there aren't deficiencies, it's tough to cover any WR for more than a few seconds. Also note Hyde blew a coverage or 2 today, and that is just as concerning to me as Coker's fumbles.

The thing that really irked me today was how long it took to start blitzing and playing man. I think the DB's could've ran w/ the ISU WR's, and Jantz literally could not have had more time to throw if we were blitzing LB's and playing man.

Are you really surprised? Our defensive coordinator has one foot in the grave, no pun intended. We're so far behind the times it's not even funny.
Are you really surprised? Our defensive coordinator has one foot in the grave, no pun intended. We're so far behind the times it's not even funny.

Sadly, I wasn't surprised - though part of me was a bit surprised we did eventually change anything. I think most of us at home could tell that Norm & Co. needed to make adjustments, which for me would be blitz and play man. What's sad is the "no blitz philosophy and then blitz when it's almost too late" is also endemic (namely NW last year).
the loss was not on castillo (it is never on one player) but all the plays I can remember him being involved in he did not make the play for us.
I'll never understand why the DB's don't hand fight more when it's obvious that a fade is on the way, it would disrupt the timing of the play. Also, near the goal line a good DB can force the reciever to run a fade by not allowing them inside and then turn his back to the reciever, turn his head and see the ball. Two of the TD passes for ISU were not good/great throws, was just a matter of the DB not knowing where the ball was.
I saw it early in the game, when the qb was running right for him, he froze. He did not go up to meet him, he stood there, waiting, (HELLO, be the arrow, or be the target), then on top of that, without help, he would have blown the tackle anyway. Time to warm the wood at that point, no way around it. I know we had some really bad things show up today, but this was the worst.
I figure it like, hey either you want it or you dont. If not, give up your spot and let the next guy in. All around ****** play.
Dont go making any excuses, and don't take me wrong, I am a fan and that wont change. Been a fan for 30+ years, I am not going to bail now. But wowser, you got to change things when they are not working. Then why would you take a FG, when it is very obvious the other team wants the W more than yours? Later (OT) another 4 and 1 and another FG. Dont we have an OL that commands some respect? 3ft. Really?
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I can't blame the dbacks. The problem is with our dline. No pressure. Chance had all day to pick and choose what he wanted to do.
I can't blame the dbacks. The problem is with our dline. No pressure. Chance had all day to pick and choose what he wanted to do.

I agree, but one is supposed to baby sit the other. I know what they did, I watched it, but you have to adjust. Plain and simple Castillo, did not adjust. We got behind the line, granted we still have horrible tackling once back there, but we were back there.
You cant play so loose and if you are not willing to meet them in the gap, you need to get some slivers in your azz. THAT was about half time!!!

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