Can the NBA be saved????

The whole idea in the NBA is to have a guy down low who will command the double-team,allowing him to kick it out for a clean shot around the horn..
The Lakers run the triangle,which is all about passing and not isolation.

I think folks on here are stuck in the late 90's as far as what they think NBA ball is...the best players now are great,Melo,Kobe,duncan,garnett,chris paul...ect...I really think some folks are just determined to pigeonhole NBA ball as selfish,thuggish or non-entertaining...sorry, but it is non of those things anymore.
I don't like the way the game is played. There is too much Iso, and that isn't appealing to me. I would honestly rather watch Iowa play.

See your quote below (doesn't this describe Iowa?) Not many post feeds, bad 3 point shots being hoisted up there. Gaten's took a couple terrible 3 point shots on Saturday.

This is especially frustrating to someone like myself who plays a good amount of pickup ball but plays more of an old school back to the basket style post game. I get tired of working for position or having a big mismatch advantage where I am continually bypassed for a 3 pointer with a man in the face taken by a kid who can't shoot when I have a higher % shot down low, or if I can't get a good look or get double/tripled I can find you for an open shot. Many a time I have played pickup games where we get beat simply because terrible 3's being thrown up and I get 1 or 2 entry passes if I'm lucky.

There is ISO in the NBA because you have very good play makers. They key is to let them either score, or draw the defense to kick to an open player. ISO is not run simply for a guy to take a bad shot/score. The reason ISO is run too, comes from college and NBA having different defensive rules. In the NBA you have to play a Man to Man or a Zone, there is no inbetween. In college lots of teams play a sagging defense which is not really allowed in the NBA. Iowa is a classic sag team, in that Iowa really plays a man to man/zone hybrid defense. Iowa is not a in your face man to man team, nor are they a fall back zone team either. This type of defense clogs lanes and makes it hard to dribble drive very deep. The NBA wants offense and spacing so they do not allow sagging defense.

I like the NBA game for the most part.
A well played NBA game is a thing of beauty. The talent difference between college and NBA is astounding. The NBA game is more open, better shooters, and actual post play. My only knock on the NBA is the regular season is too long and often passion-less. The playoffs, however, to me is the most entertaining basketball on the planet

I enjoy the college game, but it find it a lots sloppier than the NBA. There is no mid-range game in college, and very little post play. Teams pack the lane, making it impossible for a post player to go one-on-one. There is also very little room to have a mid-range game. Offense is basically 3-pointers and garbage baskets on rebounds.
A well played NBA game is a thing of beauty. The talent difference between college and NBA is astounding. The NBA game is more open, better shooters, and actual post play. My only knock on the NBA is the regular season is too long and often passion-less. The playoffs, however, to me is the most entertaining basketball on the planet

I enjoy the college game, but it find it a lots sloppier than the NBA. There is no mid-range game in college, and very little post play. Teams pack the lane, making it impossible for a post player to go one-on-one. There is also very little room to have a mid-range game. Offense is basically 3-pointers and garbage baskets on rebounds.

I agree 100%........
When Lebron does his little powder act or Kobe stares into the crowd after making a three or whatever I'm just embarassed for everyone involved. It's like a ten-year old's dream of what's cool.

You mean like endzone dances in the NFL? Or little stupid things pitchers and batters do when they hit home runs?

Also, I love when people call the NBA "fake" when there hasn't been any performance enhancing drug problems with the league which has rocked the MLB and let's face it, NFL players use PED's. Undoubtedly some NBA players do but they have a hard enough time just getting those guys to lift.
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The problem with the NBA is not lack of superstars like Kobe who makes 20+ million. It's the Stephan Marburys of the world who make 21 million while sitting on the bench. Get rid of the guarantee contracts and you see a much better league in terms of overall financial health as well as level of play. Most teams do just fine in terms of selling tickets it's the barganing agreement thats all out of wack.

BTW the league wasn't any more "business like" when Jordan, Bird, and Magic were in it. Jordans exploits "on the town" were well known, and Magic didn't get HIV from his wife. The league (like society in general) is much more transparent now so you hear more about it than you did back then.
Stern is clearly crying poor in advance of the new CBA....and yes, there needs to be adjustments to it to reflect the poor economy,but some teams are raking it in...the bulls have led the league in attendance the last decade, often with teams full of rookies and lowly paid players...making huge profits while have small payrolls...and now they are poor? No way.
The probelm is for every one chicago bulls there are 2 or 3 trailblazers, or grizz, or wolves, or nets, or hawks, or whatever. Really when you get down to it the NBA is a lot like the NHL in that there are 4-5 franchises that are really healthy, some middle of the road, then 4-5 turds that bring the whole league down. The NBA, NHL, and MBL would be well served to reduce thier franchises by 2-4. It would make for a better overall product. Unfortunately the players unions would never allow it.
I agree that the nets,grizz and wolves could go away,but the Blazers has one of the best fan followings in the league. I have been to the Rose Garden a couple of times and they really love their blazers(now that the bad guys have been ousted)...that place is nuts about the blazers and it is more like a college team for them. It gets college game loud in that arena...they are solid.
BTW the league wasn't any more "business like" when Jordan, Bird, and Magic were in it. Jordans exploits "on the town" were well known, and Magic didn't get HIV from his wife. The league (like society in general) is much more transparent now so you hear more about it than you did back then.

exactly. don't forget that bird didn't exactly put it all on the line for 82 games either. he was famous for getting bored in mid-season games and trying to see how many left-handers he could make, or bank shots, or what have you. my favorite story about the celtics screwing around is that danny ainge realized he could pass bird for #1 in free throw percentage if he made 11 out of 12 in their last game (i believe bird sat out). so ainge starts calling ISOs for himself and driving to the rim every possession, just hoping to get fouled. when the rest of the team realized what he was doing kevin mchale started intentionally getting lane violations just to negate the free throws.

man, i loved kevin mchale before he ran the t-wolves into the ground. best cheers guest star ever.
The problem with the NBA is not lack of superstars like Kobe who makes 20+ million. It's the Stephan Marburys of the world who make 21 million while sitting on the bench. Get rid of the guarantee contracts and you see a much better league in terms of overall financial health as well as level of play. Most teams do just fine in terms of selling tickets it's the barganing agreement thats all out of wack.

BTW the league wasn't any more "business like" when Jordan, Bird, and Magic were in it. Jordans exploits "on the town" were well known, and Magic didn't get HIV from his wife. The league (like society in general) is much more transparent now so you hear more about it than you did back then.

Kind of funny because on the Score right now they are talking about a book out on the Showtime lakers and talking about how Magic said he averaged 300-500 gals /year....and Boers is saying that the Showtime lakers were really pikers compared to earlier versions of the lakers...with Wilt at 20,000 partners as #1 but a close second was Jerry West..who may have actually exceeded Wilt,according to old time reporters...geez, those guys may not have made as much money ,but they still had fun!
I really could care less about the NBA. If they start calling traveling and carrying the ball, maybe. I don't like players with tatoos and cornrows constantly pounding their chest for every little thing they do. Numerous other problems with NBA.
I really could care less about the NBA. If they start calling traveling and carrying the ball, maybe. I don't like players with tatoos and cornrows constantly pounding their chest for every little thing they do. Numerous other problems with NBA.

This is what I was speaking about...cornrows are rare anymore in the is passe...tatoos?, as many tats in the average college classroom than in the NBA these mainstream now...pounding their chests? again, Hoosiers was a movie depicting the small town indiana in the 50's ....almost 60 years ago...players celebrate now...even Iowa bb and fb players..get used to it.
I really could care less about the NBA. If they start calling traveling and carrying the ball, maybe. I don't like players with tatoos and cornrows constantly pounding their chest for every little thing they do. Numerous other problems with NBA.

Most black dudes in the NBA these days go with the buzz not cornrows, so one of your problems is solved. I don't really get the NBA is a "thug" league sterotype. Most of the stars are marketable, articulate, and seemingly good guys. Lebron, CP3, Deron Williams, Dwight Horward, DWade, Tim Duncan, Kobe, Chris Bosh, ect... They all seem to be with in at least one standard deviation of being a good guy, considering the temptations they face as young, famous, and really rich.
...players celebrate now...even Iowa bb and fb players..get used to it.


1) Iowa bball players don't get to celebrate
2) Iowa fball players tend to get up, get to the huddle, and get ready for the next play.

Put me in the boat who get sick and tired of guys who want to celebrate and jump up and down after they do the job they are SUPPOSED to do. A dback in the NFL bats down a ball and they jump all over the place and they look like jackasses... guess what asshat thats what you are SUPPOSED to do, its your job, get over your self.

I wanna see the general rap about that....

Lookin like a fool jumpin up and down......

A friend of mine who covers the Dallas Cowboys told a story about Bill Parcells in training camp once. Some rookie cornerback batted down a ball in practice and started celebrating. Bill chewed his *** out about it and had all his equipment/manager follow this kid around and celebrate any time they did something they were supposed to.... When hed grab a cup of water the guy who poured the water would jump up and down screaming "I POURED THAT CUP OF WATER, ITS GOOD!!!", the guy who tightened his cleets would do that when he was done, the guy who taped his ankles...
You mean like endzone dances in the NFL? Or little stupid things pitchers and batters do when they hit home runs?

Also, I love when people call the NBA "fake" when there hasn't been any performance enhancing drug problems with the league which has rocked the MLB and let's face it, NFL players use PED's. Undoubtedly some NBA players do but they have a hard enough time just getting those guys to lift.

There is a difference between players cheating and the competition being tarnished by officiating favortism.
Iowa fb players celebrate touchdowns...ARob jumping into the arms of his o-linemen after scoring vs PSU for instance...and even Wegher standing at attention in front of the student section after a td or flashing his tigerhawk happens.

And in bb, our guys pump their fists on a big when Cole scored and was fouled vs NW...not huge celebrations,granted,but they show emotion out there...they are not robots....
Dude if you can't see the difference between that and the "LOOK AT ME" crap in the NFL I'm not going to waste my time arguing with you... that being said the NFL has WAY more of that stuff than the NBA has.
Most black dudes in the NBA these days go with the buzz not cornrows, so one of your problems is solved. I don't really get the NBA is a "thug" league sterotype. Most of the stars are marketable, articulate, and seemingly good guys. Lebron, CP3, Deron Williams, Dwight Horward, DWade, Tim Duncan, Kobe, Chris Bosh, ect... They all seem to be with in at least one standard deviation of being a good guy, considering the temptations they face as young, famous, and really rich.

Agree with you that the players you mentioned seemlgly appear to be good guys. Still not a fan of NBA. I do prefer the days of the one and one contest when the games were only on ABC.
cornrows still bother people? really? are you guys all middle school gym teachers or something?

the only nba hairstyle i've ever given a second thought to is brandon jennings' sweet gumby look.

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