Can someone pm me a link to a stream

I WISH! I'm paying for the @#$&ing service and it isn't working! It logs me and then when I click on the Iowa game, it sends me to the subscribing page. Arrgh!!! Cleared the browser settings and still phtt.... f#&k me!

It's a joke that they are asking people to pay for that garbage. At least make sure it works.. Too much to ask? Good grief. :mad:
Works for me and I got it thru the Hawkeye web-site. Don't think anyone charges anyone anymore not to make it work for you.

Any thoughts on this ... ohhh vaulted #1 poster of all time vint?

What is your take on the state of economy, politics and business when it comes to all things access to Iowa FB and Men's BB... video, audio, or archives? no one cares about anything else.