Can someone please tell me


Well-Known Member
Why does the national media seem to think that this recent incident should have never happened? It is my understanding that this regimen has been in place for as long as Ferentz and Doyle have been at Iowa and nothing like this has ever happened before. How could it be prevented if there were no signs that something like this could happen? Now, obviously, I think you have to make some changes to keep it from happening again, but I don't understand why certain people in the media are calling for people to be fired. Most noteably, Gregg Doyle at CBS said that this proves that someone in Iowa's staff is incompetent or not qualified to be doing what they're doing. I don't agree. As before, if it has never happened before, how could anyone foresee it?

That's my rant. I will step down from my soapbox now. Someone please tell me you agree.
Why does the national media seem to think that this recent incident should have never happened? It is my understanding that this regimen has been in place for as long as Ferentz and Doyle have been at Iowa and nothing like this has ever happened before. How could it be prevented if there were no signs that something like this could happen? Now, obviously, I think you have to make some changes to keep it from happening again, but I don't understand why certain people in the media are calling for people to be fired. Most noteably, Gregg Doyle at CBS said that this proves that someone in Iowa's staff is incompetent or not qualified to be doing what they're doing. I don't agree. As before, if it has never happened before, how could anyone foresee it?

That's my rant. I will step down from my soapbox now. Someone please tell me you agree.

I agree. We still don't have all the facts, but given what we know right now, nobody should be fired.
Because everyone jumped the gun and assumed this occurred because of a single workout. Almost everyone (myself included) thought the coaches were pushing the players too hard, essentially punishing them, and quite possibly withholding water breaks.

That obviously wasn't the case.
Why does the national media seem to think that this recent incident should have never happened?

It isn't the national media. It is everyone except for myopic Hawkeye fans.

Look, 13 players being sick to the point of hospitalization during monitored team activities SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN! Something went wrong, and we need to find out and hold the responsible party accountable. Simple as that.
'Myopic Hawk Fans'...the question is which Hawk fans are being myopic (Myopic: lacking tolerance or understanding). Using this definition, one could say that it is you, Iowahawkgirl that is being 'myopic'. One should really know the definition of a word before using it...

I have said it in another thread, has anyone asked how you can tell if someone is coming down with this illness? I am betting that it is impossible to do so until someone actually has the illness well after the workout. As a matter of fact I know this is the fact! Here is how you diagnose the illness:

"The diagnosis of rhabdomyolysis can be confirmed using certain laboratory studies. The most reliable and sensitive indicator of muscle injury is CK. Assessing CK levels is most useful because of its ease of detection in serum and its presence in serum immediately after muscle injury.
The CK levels rise within 12 hours of muscle injury, peak in 24-36 hours, and decrease at a rate of 36-40% per day. The serum half-life of CK is approximately 36 hours. CK levels decline 3-5 days after resolution of muscle injury". and those other MYOPIC fans, just how would the coaches have known that this time (when the same workout had been done in the past without these results) the students would get this illness?
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It isn't the national media. It is everyone except for myopic Hawkeye fans.

Look, 13 players being sick to the point of hospitalization during monitored team activities SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN! Something went wrong, and we need to find out and hold the responsible party accountable. Simple as that.

It isn't the national media. It is everyone except for myopic Hawkeye fans.

Look, 13 players being sick to the point of hospitalization during monitored team activities SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN! Something went wrong, and we need to find out and hold the responsible party accountable. Simple as that.
Much like over reacting,assuming people calling for people's jobs when they don't know the facts SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN. But it does all the time,because message board experts aren't responsible for anything.

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