Can someone please explain how ISU/Iowa in the Insight has any merit?


Well-Known Member
I've seen a several posts on here talking about an Iowa/ISU rematch in the Insight Bowl and also heard Jon talk about this on his show yesterday. Can someone please tell me how this has any chance of happening?

I sort of see Iowa possibly getting there if the bowls boycott Penn State (unlikely as I bet PSU fans still travel well and people will watch). But how does ISU ever get picked by the Insight? If I am looking at the bowl tie-ins correctly wouldnt the Insight have a chance to grab Texas, Baylor or Mizzou?

Maybe I am missing something and if so please fill me in. Just looking at it objectively seems like this is a very very long shot to happen
I've seen a several posts on here talking about an Iowa/ISU rematch in the Insight Bowl and also heard Jon talk about this on his show yesterday. Can someone please tell me how this has any chance of happening?

I sort of see Iowa possibly getting there if the bowls boycott Penn State (unlikely as I bet PSU fans still travel well and people will watch). But how does ISU ever get picked by the Insight? If I am looking at the bowl tie-ins correctly wouldnt the Insight have a chance to grab Texas, Baylor or Mizzou?

Maybe I am missing something and if so please fill me in. Just looking at it objectively seems like this is a very very long shot to happen

It's easy the committee picks Iowa and Iowa State to play.

Now, can you please explain how you think Penn State isn't going to fall?

Fiesta Bowl should say no to Penn State for Insight game
For starters I think ISU is only thought of if they beat KSU. I would like to see the Hawks, whoop snot out of ISU. Infact I would like to see KF come out and say if this game happens, he would like to see ISU put the trophy on the line again.
Reminds of of the scene in Officer and a gentelman, "meet me in the blimp hanger, now" "we aint going there to talk, boy".
Worst idea for Iowa.... no way I want a part of that. We have nothing to win and everyhting to lose.

If they put the trophy up, it could be a big deal for the Hawks. They could bring the first trophy back home, and they get a shot at redemption. I think those two things would go a long way this off season.
Ughh!! It's bad enough we've got to play one "damned if you do, damned if you don't" game every year, why would we want to have a second?

If the Insight bowl does host an IA-ISU re-match then they shouldn't expect too many Hawkeye fans to be there.
This is a strange year for bowls with everything going on at Penn State. In my opinion the diffence in attendance and TV ratings is far outweighed by the possible negative impact for a sponsor who ends up in one way or another being associated with Penn State and everything going on there. Would you want to be called the "Rape A Child Insight Bowl" if you were selecting participants? There are people out there that will say a bowl selected Penn State knowing what they are guilty of. That risk far outweighs having a couple thousand additional seats setting empty, so I can definitely see Iowa being selected here over PSU.

Now why the Insight would then select Iowa State over Texas or Baylor is beyond me. If they feel an Iowa vs Iowa State game is the most attractive then that's what they'll do. It's hard to know how and what a bowl committee is thinking.

I would personally love to see an Iowa and Iowa State rematch. And I also agree, put the trophy on the line. To see Iowa running over to the ISU sideline and taking that trophy would be a nice cap on an otherwise disappointing season.
It's easy the committee picks Iowa and Iowa State to play.

Now, can you please explain how you think Penn State isn't going to fall?

Fiesta Bowl should say no to Penn State for Insight game

Because as the earlier poster mentioned, right or wrong, bowls are about money. Penn State will probably put a good product on the field for a competitive game, travel well and get good TV ratings. I don't see them falling far, if at all. The only way would be if a sponsor put tremendous heat on the bowl to pass- which again, I don't see happening as long as they get ratings and butts in seats. The PR people will do their jobs, limit the damage...etc. Now, the Fiesta/Insight committee might not want potential negative PR associated with their latest mess from the offseason.

Not saying I personally agree with that decision to TAKE them...
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Honestly, if the Insight Committee does this that is the worst possible thing that they could do.
It will have terrible ratings, It really would do nothing from a National Prospective.

But then again, both fan bases travel very well, and it's all about the Benjamin's
I hope we are picked for the Insight Bowl. It is a great bowl game. I don't care who we play, so long as we are picked for the game.

You should never take bowl games for granted - as Hayden said, "There are no bad bowls".
If the Insight bowl does host an IA-ISU re-match then they shouldn't expect too many Hawkeye fans to be there.

They said that about the Hawkeye fans last year because we failed to sell 6,000 tickets of our allotment. But guess what, the fans showed up. It was hard to find a Mizzou fan tailgaiting prior to the game, and Sun Devil had a lot more Iowa fans than Mizzou fans. Sure, 20,000 people from Iowa won't make the trip, but 5,000 to 10,000 will, and there are at least that many Iowa fans living down here.

Iowa - ISU would be a great draw for the Insight, I would argue that they would probably break last years attendance records. As for the TV ratings, it's the only bowl game on that night.

I would think Iowa would be the more motivated team if this match up happened. ISU is the team that has something to lose, not Iowa.
Worst idea for Iowa.... no way I want a part of that. We have nothing to win and everyhting to lose.

So if we win the game, our record stays at 7-5? Kirk's bowl record doesn't improve to 7-3? The program can't brag about it's four straight bowl win?

Wow, that is amazing. Is this an NCAA rule focused on the Iowa/ISU series? I don't really understand.
Worst idea for Iowa.... no way I want a part of that. We have nothing to win and everyhting to lose.

How exactly?

To me it is completely the other way around.

We have nothing to lose. They have already beat us this year, proved they are the better team. They should beat us again, yet have nothing to gain by doing so.

If we win, we can stop hearing about how they beat us. We improved more than they did since the outcome changed. Everything to gain on our end.

I don't really care if it happens or not, but completely disagree with your assessment of the game if it did.
1. already played them once and lost
2. no national excitement and what exposure we get will not be good if we lose

We would do better with a loss to a more nationally respected team than we would with a loss or a win against our percieved little brother.

An ISU game would do NOTHING for the Hawkeye program and could hurt us more than help us.

So basically my assesment is a much bigger picture than your who is the tougherst kid in the neighborhood assessment. Who cares.... it does nothing for us.
1. already played them once and lost.

Yes, so coming back and beating them would be revenge and show that Iowa has gotten better as the season has gone on.

2. no national excitement and what exposure we get will not be good if we lose. Who cares about national excitement?

Let me clue you in, there won't be much national excitement for an Iowa vs. Baylor game either.

We would do better with a loss to a more nationally respected team than we would with a loss or a win against our percieved little brother.

A loss to Texas or Baylor would be better for Iowa than a win over Iowa State? That's one of the dumber things I've read recently.

An ISU game would do NOTHING for the Hawkeye program and could hurt us more than help us.

It gives the Hawkeyes another bowl victory. That means nothing to you?

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