Can Iowa attract a current BCS coach at a winning program?


Well-Known Member
This is a legitimate question.

I would love Pearl, Pastner, Turgeon, Pastner, Williams, Wright... these are all home runs.

But is it really realistic that a coach is going to leave a winning program that they are at the helm of in order to head up a reclamation project?

Yes Iowa has proven it is a top tier job nationally when we are winning. And yes, we have the money to pay someone like a top tier job.

This is why I think the list of people like Lavin and Gillespie need to be getting more traction than they are.

So if that takes us to either a first assistant at a major program or a mid major head coach... if it comes down to that what would you prefer?
Can they? Of course. Here's the reasons:

1) $
2) New facilities in process of being built
3) Rapid fan base
4) Other highly successful programs at the national level at Iowa that show that coaches can get it done in IC.
Can they? Of course. Here's the reasons:

1) $
2) New facilities in process of being built
3) Rapid fan base
4) Other highly successful programs at the national level at Iowa that show that coaches can get it done in IC.

N-O Stop being homers...we need to be logical and realistic.

1. $$ - If that is there only motivation
2. Our "new" facilities will finally put us up to par with everyone else...not ahead.
3. Yes, our fan base will rapidly turn on you when you stink it up
4. I don't even understand that sentence....

I love Iowa basketball as much as anyone, but everyone needs to take off the black and gold blinders and be realistic....this isn't 1987!!! Although I sure wish it were...
N-O Stop being homers...we need to be logical and realistic.

1. $$ - If that is there only motivation
2. Our "new" facilities will finally put us up to par with everyone else...not ahead.
3. Yes, our fan base will rapidly turn on you when you stink it up
4. I don't even understand that sentence....

I love Iowa basketball as much as anyone, but everyone needs to take off the black and gold blinders and be realistic....this isn't 1987!!! Although I sure wish it were...

Hey maybe your the homer not being realistic. How about being realistic about the fact that the Big Ten is going to expand!!! That factors into making the Iowa job more appealing as well and should make that list of reasons. Once that happens in the near future the Big Ten will become a better conference than the Big East.
N-O Stop being homers...we need to be logical and realistic.

1. $$ - If that is there only motivation
We are Top-15 in revenue. We can afford to pay a coach. We have that in our column

2. Our "new" facilities will finally put us up to par with everyone else...not ahead.

At least we aren't behind anymore. So that's an improvement. Right???

3. Yes, our fan base will rapidly turn on you when you stink it up

Show me a fan base that won't, who has a winning tradition. You think Iowa is unique in this regard?

4. I don't even understand that sentence....

I love Iowa basketball as much as anyone, but everyone needs to take off the black and gold blinders and be realistic....this isn't 1987!!! Although I sure wish it were...
N-O Stop being homers...we need to be logical and realistic.

1. $$ - If that is there only motivation
2. Our "new" facilities will finally put us up to par with everyone else...not ahead.
3. Yes, our fan base will rapidly turn on you when you stink it up
4. I don't even understand that sentence....

I love Iowa basketball as much as anyone, but everyone needs to take off the black and gold blinders and be realistic....this isn't 1987!!! Although I sure wish it were...

1 - Money talks, to believe otherwise is delusional on your part.
2 - So, you believe that having better facilities is no advantage whatsoever? C'mon. Being able to at least match everyone else in facilities is a big bonus.
3 - This happens everywhere. If a coach wants to avoid this, he sure as heck isn't coaching in a BCS conference.
4 - What I meant is, the success of the football and wrestling programs points to the fact that it is very possible to have a highly successful program at Iowa.
What is all the BCS business? What does football have to do with basketball?

Bowl Championship Series and basketball have nothing to do with each other.

The basketball landscape is far different from football. I hardly consider Xavier and Marquette BCS conference schools but they have been regularly top notch in Basketball.

I request a little precision here please.
What is all the BCS business? What does football have to do with basketball?

Bowl Championship Series and basketball have nothing to do with each other.

The basketball landscape is far different from football. I hardly consider Xavier and Marquette BCS conference schools but they have been regularly top notch in Basketball.

I request a little precision here please.

By them saying BCS they obviously mean a major conference school. Don't be a moron, you know exactly what people are talking about when they use the term. And you don't consider Marquette a major conference school???? Hmmm, well they are in the Big East and last time I checked thats the highest rated basketball conference. Get a clue yourself before you start ragin on people for using the term BCS when talking basketball.
For a lot of these guys, I would venture to say that money won't be the only deciding factor and would come closer to not figuring in at all. It certainly talks, but if you jump every time that someone offers you more money you may not like your situation. I know me personally I've turned down more money before because of company stability. Most of these coaches make enough that it will come down to trade offs. Do I give up a great paying situation that's comfortable to turn around a not so good situation for a little more money? Taking into account that I may not be there long. Do I give up comfortable for potential instability but more upside? Tough call if you put yourself in their shoes.
If you need further proof, look at Notre Dame football. Plenty of coaches have turned down more money to stay put. Definitely not apples to apples but it is a good example of what I'm talking about.
If you need further proof, look at Notre Dame football. Plenty of coaches have turned down more money to stay put. Definitely not apples to apples but it is a good example of what I'm talking about.

Thank you!!! People forget that we had an open checkbook for the last two hires and came away with Top Tier II candidates....why now is a Tier I candidate leave?!?

Barta was smart is saying what he will NOT be an issue, but I believe people are confusing that statement with "money will get us whoever we want..."
Just look around the rest of college basketball and look at the number of programs that can hire BCS coaches away from other schools. Off the top of my head I can think of North Carolina, Kansas, and Indiana. It seems to be very difficult to do this, and Iowa is not going to be able to offer more money than most other BCS schools are going to pay to retain successful coaches. The majority of all hires in college basketball are from successful mid-majors or high-major assistants. You just need to find a good fit with your program.
By them saying BCS they obviously mean a major conference school. Don't be a moron, you know exactly what people are talking about when they use the term. And you don't consider Marquette a major conference school???? Hmmm, well they are in the Big East and last time I checked thats the highest rated basketball conference. Get a clue yourself before you start ragin on people for using the term BCS when talking basketball.

If you use BCS when talking about basketball, well I must agree, you are the moron. Just wouldn't say "a final four coach" when talking about football would you, oh you would.....
If you use BCS when talking about basketball, well I must agree, you are the moron. Just wouldn't say "a final four coach" when talking about football would you, oh you would.....
So the BCS conferences don't exist in basketball??? Interesting...

I mean, I thought basketball had the ACC, Big 10, Big 12, Big East, Pac 10 and SEC. I must have been mistaken...
This is a legitimate question.

I would love Pearl, Pastner, Turgeon, Pastner, Williams, Wright... these are all home runs.

But is it really realistic that a coach is going to leave a winning program that they are at the helm of in order to head up a reclamation project?

Yes Iowa has proven it is a top tier job nationally when we are winning. And yes, we have the money to pay someone like a top tier job.

This is why I think the list of people like Lavin and Gillespie need to be getting more traction than they are.

So if that takes us to either a first assistant at a major program or a mid major head coach... if it comes down to that what would you prefer?

I totally agree with this post.... I would love to have some of these current coaches but as some of these names are thrown up there is always somebody saying that they will not leave.

Lavin is the guy I want. He has experience as a head coach of a major program. He's not currently coaching so he could step in right away. Although he's not currently coaching, the young student athletes can recongize his name because he is a broadcaster for ESPN.

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