Cam Newton

I can understand Moon's position. It's wrong, but I can understand why he takes it. There are a lot of African-Americans (particularly those who are 50+ years old) who still don't really trust white people because of their personal experiences. I think the world has changed a lot since then, but I can't say I blame them for being leery.

Tm I'm going to disagree with you here. That's called stereotyping and it goes both ways.
It's called baggage. Get over it. Stop being a victim and take ownership of yourself and your emotional triggers instead of always looking "out there" or at "the other guy" for convenient excuses and places to lay the blame.

In man terms...grow a pair.

Grow a pair? Really? You have not walked in that man shoes. You have no idea what that man has experienced or been through. If you want to disagree with what he said, fine. Calling him a coward is idiotic.

Lol, that dude spent 7 years in Canada trying to prove to people that he could play the QB position. He is a pioneer that open doors to say he lacks testicular fortitude is mind boggling stupid. Simply because you think he is playing the "race card".

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