Bulaga Drops in Draft

Um, no...it was an outright assault on my intelligence. And, no I do NOT think he is an automatic first round pick. The only reason I think he might still go first round is because he plays LT and like QB it's a position teams will over-value in the draft and people will like his measurables. Combine is yet to be a factor, so that will have an effect as well that remains to be considered.

But, myself...I wouldn't want my team taking him in the first round, period.

I don't think he was the best OT in the country even if you throw out his two worst games. He is very good. He is a top ten talent at his position. But, he looked poor against Wisconsin he also looked terrible against Michigan. He looked, to me, okay most of the rest of the year, but certainly not overly dominant. Even the GT game I didn't see anything impressive although it was nice to see him stable again in that game.

Again, I am not saying he doesn't go in the first round. Teams do dumb things. I am just saying that when you look at the tape from this year there are a lot of red flags and any other OT in the country on any other team with those highlights and lowlights and they aren't projected first round. He is getting a lot of run from his pedigree and Junior year.

I am not saying he sucks or that he won't transition well into the pros okay, but he isn't starting LT material right now, so why burn a first rounder on a RT that had a sub-par year for what he was projected to do? Someone might, I wouldn't.

Assult on your intelligence?? Stop being drama queen...if i offeneded you i do apoligize..but saying that he had a sub par year when it was only two games is just not right...it's amazing to me that you think you know more then what all the experts know...Dont you think that KF would of stopped him from going if he thought BB needed another year..You are more then welcome to have your opinion, but dont say that you have watched more tape on BB then the people that are predicting him to go in the first round..Thats their job!!!! I know your a hawkeye fan and you dont think BB sux but just say "i dont let me being a fan cloud my judgment" doesnt make you right....I am not an expert on the OL but if 95% of draft experts say he is good enough and if our head coach says he is good enough then i am more likely to take their side then a guy i personally think just is a little mad that BB didnt come back for his senior year....I could be wrong about that..
Assult on your intelligence?? Stop being drama queen...

Where is the drama? I simply stated fact without any kind of insulting rebuttal. Now you're trying to start drama by mislabeling me. You said something that was pretty terse and direct and that's how I took it.

if i offeneded you i do apoligize..

If you want to apologize do so without more attacks on me. Just let it go. I am not here for personal attacks.

but saying that he had a sub par year when it was only two games is just not right...it's amazing to me that you think you know more then what all the experts know...

I didn't say he had a sub-par year. I said it was sub-par for what he was projected to do. There is an important distinction there.

I don't profess to be an expert. I don't develop my opinions based off what I read. I just don't think he looks at all like first round material when I see him play this year and I think he would be better served with another season, personally, because I think he could raise his draft stock.

Dont you think that KF would of stopped him from going if he thought BB needed another year..

Not necessarily, no.

You are more then welcome to have your opinion, but dont say that you have watched more tape on BB then the people that are predicting him to go in the first round..Thats their job!!!! I know your a hawkeye fan and you dont think BB sux but just say "i dont let me being a fan cloud my judgment" doesnt make you right....I am not an expert on the OL but if 95% of draft experts say he is good enough and if our head coach says he is good enough then i am more likely to take their side then a guy i personally think just is a little mad that BB didnt come back for his senior year....I could be wrong about that..

I never said I watched more tape than experts. I just think that by and large many experts haven't really sat down at looked at him game by game versus going off the season accolades the he's received.

I am not mad he isn't returning. You're reading an awful lot of errant sentiment in my replies that simply isn't there. Frankly, I love the college game because of the turnover. Seeing the program shaped year after year with new talent and names. I never expressed any ill sentiment about Bulaga leaving or insinuated that I want him to return. Don't interject opinion into my replies that isn't there. I simply think it would be in his best interest to have returned. That's my opinion.
Where is the drama? I simply stated fact without any kind of insulting rebuttal. Now you're trying to start drama by mislabeling me. You said something that was pretty terse and direct and that's how I took it.

If you want to apologize do so without more attacks on me. Just let it go. I am not here for personal attacks.

I didn't say he had a sub-par year. I said it was sub-par for what he was projected to do. There is an important distinction there.

I don't profess to be an expert. I don't develop my opinions based off what I read. I just don't think he looks at all like first round material when I see him play this year and I think he would be better served with another season, personally, because I think he could raise his draft stock.

Not necessarily, no.

I wish you would explain more on this

I never said I watched more tape than experts. I just think that by and large many experts haven't really sat down at looked at him game by game versus going off the season accolades the he's received.

I am not mad he isn't returning. You're reading an awful lot of errant sentiment in my replies that simply isn't there. Frankly, I love the college game because of the turnover. Seeing the program shaped year after year with new talent and names. I never expressed any ill sentiment about Bulaga leaving or insinuated that I want him to return. Don't interject opinion into my replies that isn't there. I simply think it would be in his best interest to have returned. That's my opinion.

I think that from your first post i took it as a direct diss of BB, and instead of seeing my mistake i am just trying to win the arguement. So from that point on i was arguing a point that you werent even trying to make... while i do think he is a first round pick and will be a starting LT next year to be honest i think if BB came back he would of forsure helped his draft status.. I just think if you were to watch the orange bowl and just watch what BB did to a top 15 pick in Morgan, and watch his footwork and how well he works off his other linemen you might see what i'm seeing....I also do think if i wouldnt of jumped to conclusions i pry would of understand what you were saying in the first place and not takin it as an insult..
I think that from your first post i took it as a direct diss of BB, and instead of seeing my mistake i am just trying to win the arguement. So from that point on i was arguing a point that you werent even trying to make... while i do think he is a first round pick and will be a starting LT next year to be honest i think if BB came back he would of forsure helped his draft status.. I just think if you were to watch the orange bowl and just watch what BB did to a top 15 pick in Morgan, and watch his footwork and how well he works off his other linemen you might see what i'm seeing....I also do think if i wouldnt of jumped to conclusions i pry would of understand what you were saying in the first place and not takin it as an insult..

I watched the Orange Bowl. When Morgan did get pressure, he got it against Bulaga. Reiff played him better than Bulaga did. (Bulaga wasn't the best player on the field).

I also believe Bulaga has been over-hyped. I don't think he deserved O-lineman of the year or 1st team All-Conference.

Could he end up being a great pro? I hope so, but if I were a GM, I wouldn't be thrilled to spend a 1st round pick on him.
I dont know the whole workings of college football and early entries. but is he able to pull his name ala college basketball if his stock keeps dropping and come back to Iowa next season?
Bulaga re-earned his stripes vs OSU and Ga Tech. Our tackles nuetralized Gibson and Heyward of OSU,and handled Morgan of Ga. Tech...that is great film for the scouts with a healthy Bulaga bouncing back from his illness.

I will be shocked if BB does not get picked in the first round. The NFL is more of a passing game every year,which makes tackles more important.
I think anybody will tell you that Bulaga could have used another year, but a couple of things that probably had a lot to do with him coming out a year early.

#1. His health

#2. It's not a great year for OT is the draft

I wish him the best and think he will be a very good pro but any team that drafts a player in the first round wants them to be a starter the following year. I think as of right now he is at best a 2nd rd pick.
Well maybe im wrong..It could be that i just got caught up in all the hype of Bulaga...Like i said to HOGEYE i am so use to having defend Iowa players from people who just like to cut them down, i am missing out on their actual abilities.. i have watched the orange bowl a couple of times and thought BB played great but i am not expert in the OL so maybe i am missing what you guys are seeing..... I can't believe that bulaga was over-hyped considering he won OL of year and AA, but maybe he benifited from good OL around him and he dosnt deserve the props im giving him..I do know that at the combines he will either prove he has it or not so that should settle our disscussion..
Why are people dissing him because of WU, and UM? Do any of you recall the wind-up to the Orange bowl? Everyone said that whoever wont eh battle between Derrick Morgan (GT) and Bulaga would be a first rounder?

Bryan didn't look like he did last year in the games after the thyroid, but there's no reason to go dissing him. He ended the year very strongly, and as long as he Combines well, and shows that he was down from illness, NFL teams will recognize what really happened. And if he slips to the 2nd round - so be it. It's still something to be VERY proud of, and not wind up w/ Gallery-like expectations. ;-)
I think NFL talent evaluators realize he probably wasn't 100% after the thyroid issue and hence the less than stellar play against the afore-mentioned guys. He absolutely shut-down that guy from G Tech (Morgan or whatever his name is) who was supposed to be a high pick as well.
I think Morgan proved that he was overrated when he failed to catch Stanzi from behind during an important part of the game.

I think when healthy and in game shape, Bulaga is a dominant player. This year, he struggled badly against top level competition, but seemed to get better as the season wore on.

But all it takes is a shred of doubt for a guy to drop from a top ten pick to a second round pick.
Why are people dissing him because of WU, and UM? Do any of you recall the wind-up to the Orange bowl? Everyone said that whoever wont eh battle between Derrick Morgan (GT) and Bulaga would be a first rounder?

Bryan didn't look like he did last year in the games after the thyroid, but there's no reason to go dissing him. He ended the year very strongly, and as long as he Combines well, and shows that he was down from illness, NFL teams will recognize what really happened. And if he slips to the 2nd round - so be it. It's still something to be VERY proud of, and not wind up w/ Gallery-like expectations. ;-)

Wan't Morgan going up against Reiff most of the game?

Also any team that drafts Morgan in the first rd is crazy, other then one play, he got whipped by a RS Frosh the entire game.
He didnt really make a mistake if he gets drafted in the 2nd rd. Thats good money.
I wish he would have come back but my reasons are purely selfish.
I dont think its insulting BB to suggest he isnt a 1st rd draft pick. Its purely opinion and we wont really know until draft day.
I think that from your first post i took it as a direct diss of BB, and instead of seeing my mistake i am just trying to win the arguement. So from that point on i was arguing a point that you werent even trying to make... while i do think he is a first round pick and will be a starting LT next year to be honest i think if BB came back he would of forsure helped his draft status.. I just think if you were to watch the orange bowl and just watch what BB did to a top 15 pick in Morgan, and watch his footwork and how well he works off his other linemen you might see what i'm seeing....I also do think if i wouldnt of jumped to conclusions i pry would of understand what you were saying in the first place and not takin it as an insult..

Fair enough, we're cool. :)

And, just as a side note, I think Morgan is overrated as well, but it is a fair, valid point that Bulaga did fairly well there and against OSU. It just doesn't change my overall view of him.

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