BTN vs SEC Network podcast


Well-Known Member
I think this is my favorite one so far. Deace was going off on the quality of the BTN compared to the SEC Network. Unfortunately, I think he's right....the BTN needs to step their game up. Gotta admit though, I was LMAO at Deace's comment that Rick Pizzo is Barney Fife with one bullett.
I think this is my favorite one so far. Deace was going off on the quality of the BTN compared to the SEC Network. Unfortunately, I think he's right....the BTN needs to step their game up. Gotta admit though, I was LMAO at Deace's comment that Rick Pizzo is Barney Fife with one bullett.

SEC network is basically espn who have tremendous resources. There have been quite a few espn people appearing on the sec network as guests and the content has been good from what I've seen. The new network will only increase the exposure of that conference.
The BTN mistake was linking up with FOX and not ESPN.
A big reason the BTN came about was because TV money ESPN offered to the B1G was horribly low. It was when B1G and SEC were neck and neck. They couldn't pair with ESPN because they were the main reason for the seperation.
Interesting thread ... When SEC launched last week my first comment was that BTN seems more like a high school broadcast versus SEC. Now, understanding that SEC is partnering with ESPN ... but still, the number of guests, quality programming, etc., far exceeds BTN ... As many stud former players who have passed through Big Ten country I am surprised BTN does not bring more of them into the studio.

Now I love that the Big 10 has its own channel. But for a couple of years I have kept saying to myself there is so much more it could do besides showing replays all day and then showing the same studio show over ... and over ... and over ... I would love to see more feature-type stories/shows ... Would like to see a different studio set up and would like to see some better on-air talent ... Again, still enjoy having BTN ... but I think this topic is interesting when you compare BTN to the launch of SEC ... Night and day ...
I have watched a lot of SEC network the last couple of weeks. The SEC network is owned by ESPN ,so all the ESPN resources are in play on that network. They bring in Musberger for some early splash, along with a bunch of special programming....they are a football league, and football is here. Basketball is big in UK, but otherwise, the attraction to the network will fall off once football ceases.

I really do not think there is that much of a difference watching Paul Finebaum for a couple of hours really sustainable programming? Even in the winter? He is a novice at TV, and it shows.

SEC Now is there evening show...similar to Big Ten Live. They have more hot women on their network,so that makes them better? maybe.

As Ed Sherman, media critic for the Chicago Trib wrote in today's paper...BTN actually broke new ground 7 years ago with a risky venture....and they pulled it off.

As for some of the personalities...yes, they could dump Pizo...after 7 years some are tiresome.,
But, I think Revsine is very good, and was a great choice as the face of the network in both football and bb season.
Dinardo and Griffin are good....they really really know the league.
In bb, they could do better than Shon Morris, who grates on me.
The league owns of a network values at over 3 billion....with little or no initial investment by the schools.
That is a 150 million per school asset after 7 years...not bad for Waynes World.

Silverman knows what he is doing, and the bottom line keeps getting stronger. SEC schools own nothing.
Does it really matter? SEC people will watch the SEC Network an Big 10 fans will watch BTN. Casual sports fans arent going to either of these networks.
Does it really matter? SEC people will watch the SEC Network an Big 10 fans will watch BTN. Casual sports fans arent going to either of these networks.

I would guess there would be plenty of people in the BTN umbrella watching the SEC network if it was abailable. SEC homer's wouldn't even turn on the BTN.
I'll tune into SEC games when they're on. Watching Oregon is a blast with their passing game and speed. SEC is completely different than watching B1G and that's not a bad thing.
Laughed my ... off at Deace. Not that I disagree with him, just his passion for his point. "A full back! A full back!" he is right. All the big stars that the Big Ten has produced and that's the best on the channel.

Too often BTN is nothing more than the publicity arm of the Big Ten. Soft ball analysis, too many second rate TV personalities. Game coverage is weak. I like Chuck Long, but why did they put (Jim Lehman?) with him? The guy adds nothing to the show. The other day during the Northwestern game he forgot that Veneric Mark was gone. Apparently women don't like Big Ten football because their aren't any there, save one game commentator.
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"For games"

This is clearly the thing that Deace doesn't understand. The rest of the country isn't going to be watching SEC gymnastics like he was. Nobody cares about the filler programs. Hell even ESPN struggles to get people to watch shows on their networks during the day (and is why they just run sportscenter non stop).

People will watch the SEC network and the BTN for the games. That is where the ratings and all the money is coming from not some stupid studio show with Tim Tebow.

These networks weren't started because of all of the great programming that was available it was to get rights to the LIVE games that advertisers know are about the only thing people don't DVR and watch later and that is Live sporting events.

It's Football GAMES, Men's basketball GAMES, and I would guess to a lesser extent SEC Baseball GAMES. The rest is crap and makes no difference what you put on.
"For games"

This is clearly the thing that Deace doesn't understand. The rest of the country isn't going to be watching SEC gymnastics like he was. Nobody cares about the filler programs. Hell even ESPN struggles to get people to watch shows on their networks during the day (and is why they just run sportscenter non stop).

People will watch the SEC network and the BTN for the games. That is where the ratings and all the money is coming from not some stupid studio show with Tim Tebow.

These networks weren't started because of all of the great programming that was available it was to get rights to the LIVE games that advertisers know are about the only thing people don't DVR and watch later and that is Live sporting events.

It's Football GAMES, Men's basketball GAMES, and I would guess to a lesser extent SEC Baseball GAMES. The rest is crap and makes no difference what you put on.

Hard core SEC and Big Ten fans, like myself, do watch BTN and Beyond type of shows during the week, but you are correct that the games are the true draw. The rest is nice, but superfluous. I like having all the programming focused on Big Ten fb and bb during the seasons, but I am hardcore, unlike most fans. Bottom line, fans of each league will stick to their shows, but a great game will draw across the lines...maybe.
The games are the true draw. But that is an area that the BTN is failing. Given a choice of watching the Hawks on BTN or ESPN, FOX or another channel. I would put BTN last.

As for their shows, it is your team you'll watch it. I watch almost everything that has Hawkeyes. And a lot of games that aren't Hawkeyes simply because the Hawks will play them down the road.
I tuned into the BTN in August for the first time since the mens basketball season ended. I dont think Im in the minority. SEC fans will probably start to tune out in January. Some will stick and watch basketball and baseball. I have DirecTV so its not like you just stumble across either channel, theyre in the 600's. You have to need a reason to go to either network with Direct at least.
Of *course* it's better....they've had 5 years to study the BTN in depth. What did you expect?

The BTN will turn around and study the SEC brand and make improvements.

Dog eat dog.
Does it really matter? SEC people will watch the SEC Network an Big 10 fans will watch BTN. Casual sports fans arent going to either of these networks.

I'm a Big 10 person ... and honestly have watched more of the SEC Network versus BTN ... I watched the Iowa day but other than that, the BTN studio shows are very average at best ... and that has more to do with the talent ...
The B10 Network knows they have a pretty captive audience. I'm going to tune in for the games regardless of who is in the studio or doing the games. That being said, they really need to upgrade some of the on air talent. I like Revsine a lot, but an infusion of new talent on the football side would be welcomed. I also think the B10 needs to take a harder look at itself...and stop the homer crap. I actually watched the Purdue hour on their camp...and you would think they are going to be really good this year from all the "improvement" comments. That team was awful...and I don't think it's going to be any prettier in year two.
The B10 Network knows they have a pretty captive audience. I'm going to tune in for the games regardless of who is in the studio or doing the games. That being said, they really need to upgrade some of the on air talent. I like Revsine a lot, but an infusion of new talent on the football side would be welcomed. I also think the B10 needs to take a harder look at itself...and stop the homer crap. I actually watched the Purdue hour on their camp...and you would think they are going to be really good this year from all the "improvement" comments. That team was awful...and I don't think it's going to be any prettier in year two.

Sorry, but I have watched some previews on SECNetwork and they have me convinced that winless Arkansas and Kentucky might just run the table this league network is going to do a pre-season preview and say...''this team is horrible.''....will never happen on the SEC Network for sure, because they are totally full of themselves down there.
They say stuff like ''yes, the SEC lost 8 top QBs from last year, but it only open up slots for more talented QB's behind them, so the SEC will be even greater without Manzel,McCarron, Metzenberger,Murray, ect..''

As far as analyst talent? So Greg McElroy, Boogie McFarland and Marcus Spears are sooo much better than Dinardo and Griffin? No. They have a lady hosting their daily show, Maria Taylor, who probably was a bb player, as she is very tall, but I do not think she runs circles around Revsine.

I think BTN Bus Tour for BTN Live has been very solid programming. I enjoyed those shows and got a lot of on the ground info. I certainly can see how they accent the positive, but if you listen carefully, Dinardo and crew make it clear where the weaknesses lie.

I just think the SEC Network is all new and shiny, and so the BTN looks stale because they are not new.
BTN has the same analysts, and gee whiz...the SEC Network has new analysts...because they are a new network.

I will say that the ESPN product will have more firepower in terms of special programming, as they can piggyback on the ESPN 60 minute the current one on SEC...Bo, Barkley and the Big Hurt....I am a Sox fan and a Big Hurt fan, and so I am sure I would enjoy that...much of the footage is gleaned from prior ESPN programming. Same with the episode on the Ole Miss season in 1962 with the racial strife on campus.

Overall, I think they will be similar in the end, but the competition will hone the edge for both networks. Silverman came ESPN and is an Iowa grad so he will keep them very competitive.

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