Brian official new OC per multiple sources including DMR

So the best candidate in the country for our OC position is someone with zero experience at that position? He has so much potential and knowledge that KF didn't even look for anyone else. We are in for a real treat.
There's a lot of young ahd hungry coaches that want to succeed very badly and fail. I was hoping for some new blood from outside the program but he can't be worse than Davis
Wasn't GD call an offensive mastermind before the bowl game? I think it can get worse
KF goes with players and coaches he trusts...who will play and coach within the predictable, vanilla, box of KF...I can't imagine him thinking of hiring anyone but his son...Davis...was filler...

The above doesn't excite me or offer much hope...but it certainly doesn't surprise me.

We will see...the wagon is hitched to this team for a it or not.
I think actually the big booster money runs Kinnick. Should Kirk fall out of favor with them Kirk won't be able to save Kirk.
Perhaps. But we're just nowhere near that point. There's too much money on the hook going to him now for too many years right now. I'm not sure what it'd take for him to get fired be it a 3 win season or some scandal of some kind. Neither of which is most likely to happen.
Perhaps. But we're just nowhere near that point. There's too much money on the hook going to him now for too many years right now. I'm not sure what it'd take for him to get fired be it a 3 win season or some scandal of some kind. Neither of which is most likely to happen.
Oh absolutely sub-par recruiting, better coaches at Illinois, Purdont and Minnesota, question mark at Nebraska. It could be a tough road here in 3 years if OSU, Michigan, PSU and MSU all stay solid. Hell we barely beat Rutgers!
Oh absolutely sub-par recruiting, better coaches at Illinois, Purdont and Minnesota, question mark at Nebraska. It could be a tough road here in 3 years if OSU, Michigan, PSU and MSU all stay solid. Hell we barely beat Rutgers!
MSU had a way worse year then we did this year... The top 3 you mentioned already are good so I don't see it being any harder if they stay good... I'm not saying we are good right where we are I'm just poking holes in your assessment. MN and Illinois are who I'm more worried about. If they were to get good that'd changing the recruiting landscape for sure.
MSU had a way worse year then we did this year... The top 3 you mentioned already are good so I don't see it being any harder if they stay good... I'm not saying we are good right where we are I'm just poking holes in your assessment. MN and Illinois are who I'm more worried about. If they were to get good that'd changing the recruiting landscape for sure.
I didn't take alot of time on that so poke away but anytime you get a new crop of coaches in the conference some with very good sustained winning pedigree it's a problem for us because they will start with the 3 and 2 start guys we usually pull late from the MAC midgets. Interesting you left out Brohm at Purdont. I think he will have more success at Purdont than Lovie will have at Illinois relatively speaking.
I didn't take alot of time on that so poke away but anytime you get a new crop of coaches in the conference some with very good sustained winning pedigree it's a problem for us because they will start with the 3 and 2 start guys we usually pull late from the MAC midgets. Interesting you left out Brohm at Purdont. I think he will have more success at Purdont than Lovie will have at Illinois relatively speaking.
I disagree with ya about Purdue. I think being where they are they are the Iowa State of Indiana. With ND and Indiana in state competing for kids not to mention being in the east division they have an impossible road to climb to get to respectability. They aren't leap frogging PSU, OSU, Michigan, or even MSU anytime soon. Illinois has a better shot but they aren't exactly at a good spot in their program either. Lovie hasn't gotten off to the greatest of starts but if were to ever get off the ground his ceiling for that program would be higher then Purdues. I guess I could see Purdue being a better team but their record not showing it. I could get down with that analysis. I mean they have 4 or 5 losses in the BIG at the least almost no matter what penciled in regardless of how well they do.
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I disagree with ya about Purdue. I think being where they are they are the Iowa State of Indiana. With ND and Indiana in state competing for kids not to mention being in the east division they have an impossible road to climb to get to respectability. They aren't leap frogging PSU, OSU, Michigan, or even MSU anytime soon. Illinois has a better shot but they aren't exactly at a good spot in their program either. Lovie hasn't gotten off to the greatest of starts but if were to ever get off the ground his ceiling for that program would be higher then Purdues. I guess I could see Purdue being a better team but their record not showing it. I could get down with that analysis. I mean they have 4 or 5 losses in the BIG at the least almost no matter what penciled in regardless of how well they do.
Well first you have to get your divisions straight or else your comments fall apart like a house of cards. Purdue plays in the WEST not the EAST so there climb isn't nearly as tough. Iowa will continue a steady decline heading toward KF's lifetime contract. While it is true that they are currently 3rd in the state they can easily out recruit Indiana now that Wilson is gone and at OSU. And the style of offense Brohm runs he can give people problems with less talent. Unfortunately, Kirk Foments thinks it's simply execution in the pro-style. I'm pretty sure that talent has something to do with it too.

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