Brian Kelly - the anti Ferentz


Well-Known Member
In the pregame comments - You cant wait around waiting for something good to happen - you have to go out an make it happen.... a rough quote.

KF punts on the opponents 30 yard line - cause maybe the other team will screw up.

I am so done with KF

How do we get Diaco back home?
How do we get you to leave?

How do we get you to stop opening a new thread for every stupid thought you have?

How do we apply the balm to soothe your sore butt?

How much longer can I keep this up?
Always impressed with their tempo, urgency and never never see a play where after its over I say WTF was that? They mix it up.

I'd love to be a fly on the wall at KF's house as he watched this game.
yeah, whatever happened with that cameraman? besides that he's no longer living, did Kelly get any discipline at all?
If I had Boone Pickens money I would donate $40 million to the University to buy out Ferentz and force him to resign. Then I would give the athletic department enough money to offer Brian Kelly $10 million per season for as long as he wanted to coach.
Brain Kelly is a sleaze and a drunk. Go back and look at his record.

In other words, the perfect fit at the university of do as I say, Not as I Do.

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