Brian Ferentz 'Stadium Experience is Lacking'

Sounds like he doesn't think the school is doing enough to promote a good atmosphere. Maybe he's referring to feedback the school got from a survey sent out to season ticket holders.
Sounds like he doesn't think the school is doing enough to promote a good atmosphere. Maybe he's referring to feedback the school got from a survey sent out to season ticket holders.
Could be. Maybe he is responding to all those people who ask him why they don't show more replays on the new scoreboard :rolleyes:
Sounds like he doesn't think the school is doing enough to promote a good atmosphere. Maybe he's referring to feedback the school got from a survey sent out to season ticket holders.

I think you are right, as season ticket holders are getting emails to take survey's about what can be done to enhance the experience at Kinnick. Hopefully this is a good first step in the Iowa marketing department being more pro active to building a good experience at Kinnick.
Brian Ferentz @CoachBFerentz
I know that the stadium experience is lacking but this team needs your support - do it on your own. Best fans in the country! #MelroseMagic
10:54 AM - 1 Nov 2013

What does he mean?

He means that the Inside-Kinnick experience has deteriorated about 1400% since Dad first worked in Iowa City. The University, the IC folks, the "neighbors" around Kinnick, the UI Hospitals, etc., have turned it into one of those new-era-Trick-or-Treat deals where nobody wears a scary costume and each kid gets EXACTLY the same number of pieces of candy. No longer full-sized candy bars, just small mini's or individually-wrapped mini-bars. Alcohol not "illegal", but certainly "discouraged". A-hole fans who complain to the security when a rabid fan stands up for longer than 3 consecutive plays because the Hawks are moving the ball on the type of drives we had to open the O$U and NW games.

Pretty sure that's what he means. That, and he heard OK4P might not be at the game, thus dwindling the joy for everyone in attendance.
Must be that we are missing a super mega godzillatron TV to watch the game on while you are there.

Or maybe we need a tornado siren.

"That's another Hawkeye FIRST DOWN!"

Perhaps the product on the field needs to be a little more exciting instead of nerve wracking.

Relax some of the tailgating rules. Continue to throw out the obnoxiously wasted people though.
Must be that we are missing a super mega godzillatron TV to watch the game on while you are there.

Or maybe we need a tornado siren.

"That's another Hawkeye FIRST DOWN!"
Yeah just watch some cheesy WWE show and copy that.......oh were talking about someone else weren't you.
This may be more of a personal opinion but the onus is on the students. They don't even fill their section out anymore.
Who knows what he means... What is clear is that he's asking the fans to bring it this Saturday because they need the help. I certainly hope his message is received by the majority of people going. Wish I was one of them! For those of you who are lucky enough to be in attendance I hope you don't hold anything back! If you still have your voice on Sunday... shame on you!
That reminds me of a visit I made to the old Dome in Minneapolis (I think it was Drew Tate's last game at Iowa). I was just out of college and enjoying the beers being offered, which was a first for me at a college game. I was sitting in a section that was 90% hawkeye fans. Great right? Wrong.

Iowa lost the game and it was close all the way thorugh. I was excitable as hell, but no curse words or anything of that nature. Why woulodn't I be? It was the last game of the year, a frustrating season, and a close game. I stood on third downs and cheered when we were on defense and got berated by the other Iowa fans sitting behind me. They were complaining that I was blocking there view. One of them even hit me in the head with one of those stupid plastic noisemakers. I guess they didn't realize the irony of complaining about my boisterousness with something intended to do exactly what I was doing.

Anyways, by the time the fourth quarter came, I gained some liquid courage and just stood the entire quarter and cheered. Well almost, with about 5 minutes left in the game; the crowd (remember this is 90% Iowa fans) had complained so much to the security that I was escorted out by two security guards for doing nothing more than standing and cheering for my favorite team and alma mater in a close game.

Of course this wasn't at Kinnick, but what I gleaned from this is that there are a lot of terrible fans in Iowa. I gather it might be because we are in such a small state and the football game might be the best thing going for a social event on a Saturday afternoon, which draws a lot of "people", not fans.

I really couldn't imagine this happening with any oither local fan base like the Bears, Packers, etc.

He means that the Inside-Kinnick experience has deteriorated about 1400% since Dad first worked in Iowa City. The University, the IC folks, the "neighbors" around Kinnick, the UI Hospitals, etc., have turned it into one of those new-era-Trick-or-Treat deals where nobody wears a scary costume and each kid gets EXACTLY the same number of pieces of candy. No longer full-sized candy bars, just small mini's or individually-wrapped mini-bars. Alcohol not "illegal", but certainly "discouraged". A-hole fans who complain to the security when a rabid fan stands up for longer than 3 consecutive plays because the Hawks are moving the ball on the type of drives we had to open the O$U and NW games.

Pretty sure that's what he means. That, and he heard OK4P might not be at the game, thus dwindling the joy for everyone in attendance.
When the team gives the crowd something to go crazy about.... they do. It's that simple. There have not been many big plays for the Hawks at Kinnick since Sash lateraled that interception in 2009.

For visiting teams, they have had quite a few big plays. Onside kicks, fake punts, etc...

Iowa fans at Kinnick know good football when they see it. Give us good football, and we'll give you one of the toughest home environments in college football. Give us crap like the last few years, and we will probably boo the play calling.
Has anyone taken the idea of singing "Sweet Caroline" during the game?

The PA guy played that song after the triple OT loss to ISU. I will forever associate that song to that moment; and it infuriates me, because I used to like that song!



Sorry to sidetrack... To the OP, I'm not sure exactly what BF meant by the tweet. I was assuming he meant we haven't been winning at home as much as in the past. I will certainly bring it this wkend.

Sorry to sidetrack... To the OP, I'm not sure exactly what BF meant by the tweet. I was assuming he meant we haven't been winning at home as much as in the past. I will certainly bring it this wkend.
I will bring it as well. I'll be the guy wearing black if anyone is looking for me.
1. The entrance is pathetic. They come out and stand there for like three minutes while we all watch the stupid video of a semi-truck. The stupid video of a semi-truck should just be axed altogether. The video should just be a big tiger hawk. The team should be gathered in the tunnel and not visible to the stadium yet, then they should walk out until everyone is ready which should take no longer than 15 seconds from the time they're first visible. Then Herky needs to come out on the platform with the iowa flag onto the field and then Ferentz follows and the swarm follows.

2. Kinnick is dead on 90% of first and second downs. Kinnick is sub-par on 75% of 3rd downs right now. Brian Ferentz has a point.
As a former HMB member, I'll say it. The band is weak. But it wasn't always this way.

Watch other college football games, it's energy, energy, energy coming from the band. I can't count the number of times during a timeout, stoppage in play or some other quiet lull in the action... that I've looked over at the band and they're sitting there...doing nothing. much as anything, allows the energy to just die in the stadium.

As a guy who's been there, done that...when the band was damn hot... it pizzes me off. You couldn't keep us quiet "back in the old days". We were freaking nuts and it was a gas!!!

That's what the marching band is there for.... DO YOUR DAMN JOB

The scoreboard, the team entrance, the band... have all taken on the characteristics of the Head Coach. Bland, predictable and no energy. It's no coincidence. This is the way Sally Mason and the East Campus crew likes it.
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