Brewster uses KF as measuring stick

Or how about this sweetheart quote after the USC game... : "We really let them off the hook"... Really Punky?!?!?? Maybe that could be relevant if you hadn't gotten tree'd by SDSU and ran all over by who?? Oh thats right Northern Illinois who dismantled you for almost 300 yards on the ground! This guy has no business even mentioning his name in the same sentence with KF. What a joke.
The award is to go second after John Holmes is finished...

I don't know whether to be delighted or disgusted by this idea. Holmes is dead, everybody knows that right? Well now everybody know anyways. So on the one hand sex after a corpse? Not sure how that would work logistically but gross anyways. On the other hand it does create the entirely new genre of zombie porn. Lets be honest with ourselves here ................outside of Iowa football is there anything that you don't love more than zombies and porn? Its kinda like peanut butter and choclate - you put your peanut butter in my choclate. No, you put your choclate in my peanut butter. Except now replace choclate and peanut butter with zombies and porn. bottom line its a win win.
In all do respect to Hayden Fry, he left the cupboard much more bare for Ferentz than Mason did for Brewster.

how many players are playing in the NFL from the bare cupboard Fry left Ferentz? I can think of a bunch without putting a lot of thought into it: Betts, Bowen, Woods, Wheatley, Stockdale, Sobieski, Kasper, Herron, Johnson, Kampman, Hill, Baker, Flemister - correct me if I am wrong on this list. I'm sure there are Es and Os.

So, who has/had more NFL players in their from their last year as a coach - Fry or Mason? Also, Fry gets a bad rap for the 'cupboard was bare' when Ferentz took over. Was it at a low point for Fry? Yes, but bare? If you look at the list of players who were on the team in '98 who also played for at least on Ferentz year, I'd say that the cupboard wasn't quite bare. This list, of course, does not include players from Fry's last recruiting class - Gallery, Clark, Nelson, Pagel, Steinbach, etc.

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