Branstad won’t order Ferentz to repaint locker room at Kinnick


OMG....PF was an early advocate of??.....OMG.
Good thing Iowa has a republican in the big chair... Some crazy lefty loon would prolly be on that chics side to have em change it.
the real problem is that idots in the media are giving time to crazy people.

This is essentially the equivalent of media outlet reporting on a homeless winos conversation with a lamp post. Its that stupid and that insane.
I am going to "come out" and admit that I am a bleeding heart liberal. That said I think this is the stupidest issue and am sick of every two bit "activist" trying to stir up controversy over this. Having done real work as a community activist about real issues I can't believe anyone would waste their time on something so stupid. Pink is supposed to be a calming color and put you in a relaxed mood. You don't want to be calm and relaxed before you play football. I'd love to see someone flip this issue on the "activists" by claiming they are being homophobic by insisting pink equates with gay. Maybe Iowa just wants their opponents to have a fabulous locker room.

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