Brands and Co. can now contact .....


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recruits for the 2012-2013 freshman class. Should be a busy couple of weeks for Brands and Co. Anyone in the 'know' have an idea where they will start with next years recruiting class?

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We need to get another 285 in the room as well. After Raising is done then Telford will be the only guy.
Peterson is the top recruit on the board. As ar as instate guys I know Carton, Koethe and Clark all received calls from the staff.
I spoke to Corey Clark's uncle last weekend. He said that he was hoping that Iowa would be the choice, but we may have to compete with the "girlfriend factor", who is going to Iowa State.
I hope Miklus joins the Hawks. He's a talented kid that would provide depth in the upper weights. Seems like we let a lot of good 184/197 types in state go elsewhere last year. I think in hindsight Gadson, Riley, or Knight could have potentially filled a hole for us this year. This year with our lack of depth I always thought Mallo would have been a guy worth recruiting too.
What happened to Abernathy from Indianola? Did he choose football? Would have been a full 197 prospect that would be of use about now.
Abernathy was a very good 197 prospect and would have fit in great at Iowa. Unfortunately wrestling wasn't his favorite sport and he'll be playing football in college.
actually I think you will probably see Brandon play three different sports at his hometown college before he graduates (baseball, football & wrestling). He would of been a great option at 197 for the Hawks.
Unfortunately, both Peters and Clark need to realize that the girls will come and go but an opportunity to wrestle at Iowa is a one time chance. I think Iowa needs to really focus on getting Peterson, Clark and or Gilman. Gulibon would be a great catch but I think harder getting the east guys coming out here with ALL the decent eastern schools is going to get harder and harder. Others on the above list just add depth. Was alittle surprised at getting Carton from Assumption, unless Brands and Co think they can still get one or both between Clark and Gilman and all 3 will spread out in weight. Anyone know of any other out of state guys we are looking at, at any weight? Anyone know any other options if we can't get Peterson for 197 that is close to same level?

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