Brandon Wegher, calling Brandon Wegher...

Brandon, now is the time to go talk to the coach. A-Rob 10 carries 5 yards. Can't block for Stanzi. Can't go out for a screen pass except on the last sack when it's 4th and 25 when we needed him to block. Jewel may be out for a couple games if not longer. Paki with his bell rung prbly out a game or two. We can't be breaking in Freshman RB and burning redshirts going into game 4. Not smart. We need you to take Keenan's place on kickoffs, if for no other reason but to block. Hell, there is even a chance you could handle kicker duties on PAT's and FG's. Those that don't think the last part is possible have prbly never seen you kick. Make the call or simply go in now to talk to Coach. The door just swung open.

Anyone that's still holding out hope that Wegher will play this year needs to move on. It's not going to happen...cross your fingers for next year. At this point, I think ever seeing him in a Hawkeye uniform again would be a surprise.
Wegher is not an option...even if he were to walk in KF's office today and say I'm ready to return...he's not physically ready to play FB.

The RS is coming off Coker or Johnson which in the grand scheme of things for the RB depth chart isn't a bad thing. Need to break up the Johnson/Coker class with Gordon coming in next year and likely another RB will be recruited (hopefully Miller from KC).
I dont really think it matters who. I think it matters that the O line plays with a little more heart. If they play together they can do alright with whoever/Sam Brownlee.
I do like AR, he plays with great heart and has been successful. Yet if we lose Jewel for the year we are going to have trouble with AR as our feature back. He does not have the speed to challenge defenses. If we are behind in a game we will not have a running game because he is to easy to key on and his only hope is finding a seam in a blitz which will be hard based on what the offensive line showed against Arizona.

I know Wegher isn't returning this year, but I said throughout this whole issue there was going to be a game that we will really miss BW and that has happened after just three games.

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