Brandon Wegher, calling Brandon Wegher...

Don't MRI results take something like 24 hours to develop and then assess? Maybe the technology has reduced the turnaround time substantially.
I have thought about this some today. Here is what we are looking at...and Wegher is not one of the options. It is not realistic.

ARob- healthy
Hampton- Awaiting results
Coker- Just started practicing last week
DeAndre Johnson- healthy- was to redshirt
Jason White- out
Paki- Awaiting results- i suspect concussion
Rodgers- moved to FB

This is not a good situation. If JH is unable to go and potentially out beyond a week we are almost in a situation where we need to bust the redshirt off DeAndre. He is the only back to get extensive time in camp.
Nothing against A-rob but were in trouble, He is to slow. Wegher is so much more versatile its ridiculous. But I bet that Kaldenberg cat still thinks a-rob is hell on wheels. Our RB depth really took a hit. But Wegher needs to get his life straightened out and blah blah blah, we need to move on with or with him. I hope he watched the game and really had sometime to think about things. But it would have been nice to see him catch a screen pass wouldnt it?
Nothing against A-rob but were in trouble, He is to slow. Wegher is so much more versatile its ridiculous. But I bet that Kaldenberg cat still thinks a-rob is hell on wheels. Our RB depth really took a hit. But Wegher needs to get his life straightened out and blah blah blah, we need to move on with or with him. I hope he watched the game and really had sometime to think about things. But it would have been nice to see him catch a screen pass wouldnt it?

I was at the game and AROB looked very, very slowwwwwwwww. However, I've always thought he was never very quick.
I thought they should have stuck with Hampton in this game, Arob is a good change of pace back. But I really think the rotating series really hurt us here.
Hampton runs past people, Robinson runs over people.

They both have their place, and neither had much of a chance last night, as we completely abandoned the run.
A-Rob was getting swallowed in a hurry last night. We've seen him take those "should be down for a loss" plays and turn them into 3 yard gains. But he was having to fight off 3 guys in the backfield all night.
Brandon, now is the time to go talk to the coach. A-Rob 10 carries 5 yards. Can't block for Stanzi. Can't go out for a screen pass except on the last sack when it's 4th and 25 when we needed him to block. Jewel may be out for a couple games if not longer. Paki with his bell rung prbly out a game or two. We can't be breaking in Freshman RB and burning redshirts going into game 4. Not smart. We need you to take Keenan's place on kickoffs, if for no other reason but to block. Hell, there is even a chance you could handle kicker duties on PAT's and FG's. Those that don't think the last part is possible have prbly never seen you kick. Make the call or simply go in now to talk to Coach. The door just swung open.
Don't MRI results take something like 24 hours to develop and then assess? Maybe the technology has reduced the turnaround time substantially.

The short answer is no, it doesn't take 24 hours.

My son had an MRI on his left knee last week. After he finished, they sent us to the second floor to the doctors offices. We waited in the waiting room for 15 minutes, were called back to one of the treatment rooms and waited maybe another 15 minutes.

The orthopedist came in, brought up the computer and showed us the images of my sons knee, which he'd already viewed before entering the room.

The technology is amazing. They had approximately 100 to 150 pictues of his knee ready 15 minutes after the MRI.
Don't MRI results take something like 24 hours to develop and then assess? Maybe the technology has reduced the turnaround time substantially.

As someone who used to perform MRI's, the images are complete before you get off the table. The time consuming part is when the radiologist reads them. Depends on the facility and how busy you are. Where I work, by the end of day, all exams are interpreted. Then, depending on if your reports are distributed to ordering physicians electronically or by paper, and how soon your doc gets around to telling you the results. Being Hampton is an Iowa football player, the docs will be viewing each image sequence as they come up. No waiting.
As someone who used to perform MRI's, the images are complete before you get off the table. The time consuming part is when the radiologist reads them. Depends on the facility and how busy you are. Where I work, by the end of day, all exams are interpreted. Then, depending on if your reports are distributed to ordering physicians electronically or by paper, and how soon your doc gets around to telling you the results. Being Hampton is an Iowa football player, the docs will be viewing each image sequence as they come up. No waiting.

exactly. I'm betting they already know.
Don't MRI results take something like 24 hours to develop and then assess? Maybe the technology has reduced the turnaround time substantially.

Doesn't matter. We could use him regardless of the results. Our history at RB dictates that.

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