Brandon Knight: Kentucky Letter of Intent

I thought this part was interesting.... "My parents advised me to do it," Knight told the Lexington Herald-Leader when he committed to Kentucky. "I'm not sure why."

My comment is riiiiiiight. Maybe his parent is an agent....
I like this better than committing and then going back on your committment. At least this way everyone knows up front that you are not sure enough to commit...although looking at it from another angle, it sure would be nice if a kid could make a commitment/decision and stick by it.
When you're a top recruit you can get away with this because you hold all of the cards. Not so much for the 2 and 3 star recruits.
once again, calipari figures out a way to alter the playing field in order to land a top recruit. shocking. he did this in a different way last year... from the article:

A year ago, when Calipari coached Memphis, he inserted clauses in his recruits' Letters of Intent that allowed them to escape Memphis if Calipari bolted. It was clever and self-serving. The NCAA banned the practice last summer.

how long do you think this trick will last until it too gets banned? this guy is doing his best to ruin college basketball, and the NCAA is going to penalize kentucky for it once he leaves (which, of course, he will). calipari will never face any consequences. ridiculous.
Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think this is an enforceable "contract." To have a contract, each party must do something, or agree to refrain from doing something. In other words, you can't make a contract that legally binds one party from doing something, while binding the other party to nothing.

Calipari might have promised Knight that he would hold the scholarship for him, but I doubt Knight could enforce the agreement if Calipari gave the scholarship to someone else.
Smart move IMO. I have no idea why a top 25 recruit would ever sign an LOI. Schools will wait on you.
Or Cal might have promised Knight he would be the coach of Kentucky next year and Knight is just taking every step to make sure that he is before he (Knight) sets foot on campus.

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