Brad Rogers and Jim Poggi's careers are over.

Its a shame on B Rogers. He was a nice blocker when healthy and decent FB threat

Good luck to both guys
Feel bad for Rogers. He kept battling to get back and every time it looked like he was healthy, he's be MIA the next week. He was a beast. Best of luck to him.
Poggi had repeated injuries; what were they? He was one of the rahbdo players; any sense whether that made him more susceptible to whatever he suffered?
Would be interesting to see the list of the 13 Rhabdo guys and see where they are now. I know Poggi and Lowe are gone. Pretty sure Prater was on the list.

Just don't know beyond that.
This is why the players need to be 1.) paid a stipend while playing, 2.) once they complete a full year of playing, keep their academic scholarship the entire 4 years if they are too hurt to play, and 3.) give a player who plays all four years a 5-year scholarship, or a 6-year scholarship if they redshirt.

If the NCAA really cared about the bodies and future lives of the players who provide us entertainment, this would signify it.
can't blame either. hurts to lose Rogers but dude needs to take care of his heart. Finishing out his career isn't worth risking his life. Injuries always hurt but one has to wonder how much rhabo had to do with it.
This is why the players need to be 1.) paid a stipend while playing, 2.) once they complete a full year of playing, keep their academic scholarship the entire 4 years if they are too hurt to play, and 3.) give a player who plays all four years a 5-year scholarship, or a 6-year scholarship if they redshirt.

If the NCAA really cared about the bodies and future lives of the players who provide us entertainment, this would signify it.

Both Poggi and Rogers are able to remain on scholarship with medical hardship until they graduate, IF they stay at Iowa so your number two is already done. I think players who complete their eligibility still have access to scholarship funds for tuition. Not sure of exact rule but I have read of players coming back to complete their degree using those funds.
Giving stipends is nice but if you do that for all sports, the cost is high, and to do it only for football would be discrimination.