Poggi had repeated injuries; what were they? He was one of the rahbdo players; any sense whether that made him more susceptible to whatever he suffered?
Shoulder issues.
CJF was alsoWould be interesting to see the list of the 13 Rhabdo guys and see where they are now. I know Poggi and Lowe are gone. Pretty sure Prater was on the list.
Just don't know beyond that.
That sounds at least in part muscular, which relies on strong organs, including heart, kidney, liver to heal. Hmmmm.
This is why the players need to be 1.) paid a stipend while playing, 2.) once they complete a full year of playing, keep their academic scholarship the entire 4 years if they are too hurt to play, and 3.) give a player who plays all four years a 5-year scholarship, or a 6-year scholarship if they redshirt.
If the NCAA really cared about the bodies and future lives of the players who provide us entertainment, this would signify it.