Brad Banks 2002 Highlight Video

Did Dolph say a pass to CJ Jones when it was actually to MO Brown?

Haha. Yes he did. I thought it was pretty comical so I wanted to make sure I kept that one in there. Actually after watching highlights of all the games that year Dolph got CJ and Mo Brown mixed up quite often. To be fair the Numbers 8 and 9 look very similar, especially when a guy is running/jumping for the ball. Still pretty funny.
Haha. Yes he did. I thought it was pretty comical so I wanted to make sure I kept that one in there. Actually after watching highlights of all the games that year Dolph got CJ and Mo Brown mixed up quite often. To be fair the Numbers 8 and 9 look very similar, especially when a guy is running/jumping for the ball. Still pretty funny.

So let me get this strait. Dolph messed up? Weird.

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