Boy our defense has problems

This really makes me worry about Michigan and Nebraska with athletic QBs.

Definitely. Both of their qbs are way faster than Steel. They'll also be behind much better o lines. We have to shore some stuff up, but I don't thinks it's possible in a couple weeks. Where's Cooper! Not that he's the answer, but we got to do something different.
Special teams-D
Kicking game-A
I thought special team play was focused on and improved. It needs more work!
Defense looked very poor today. When did we lose the ability to wrap up and tackle??
Yeah, KOK DIALED UP his usual stupid game plan, but we all knew that would happen.
The D playing like crap was really an eye opener. Does not bode well for the remainder of this season.
Special teams-D
Kicking game-A
I thought special team play was focused on and improved. It needs more work!

I give the defense an F, but otherwise I agree with your grading, Andy.
We will be fine. Our defense is top tier. Nothing to worry about. Move along. Our defensive line will be fine. Vandenberg will be fine.

Don't worry. Everything will be fine.
Did you watch the game? Referencing total points makes no sense...the only time we stopped ISU was when they fumbled or missed a field goal. How many times did they punt - twice?

Our defense is not fine


Had we somehow won today it would have been because ISU lost it...not because we won.

And again, 4th quarter, 3rd and 16...1st down.
And again, 4th quarter, 3rd and 10...1st down.
And again, 4th quarter, 3rd and 10...1st down.
And again, 4th and game in OT and we can't step up.

The defensive scheme with who we're playing isn't working. It's the same worn out song and dance as last season.

No, sadly, we're not close to being "fine."
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The OL was no thing of beauty, but the DL gave no pressure up front. Steele Jantz had all day to decide whether to throw or run for it. Couldn't stop him either way.

I disagree. The DL got about a dozen very strong rushes on Jantz, but he was just too slippery.
It all comes down to stops on defense. No big plays on 3rd or 4th down. We need a sanders, hodge, greenway, etc. to make those plays.

Just watched the game on dvr. I think we will go on to have a good season. Lots of good tape for the boys to watch.

Don't let your heart be troubled...
Wow- really out on a limb there. 95% of coaches will never win one.
So they all suck?

Most coaches that that do win National Championships have couple instances in a season where they have to choose to man up or fold.


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