Boise St. has a dog get the kicking tee....

Who cares if the bird steals BOB's snacks as long as he gets the tee off the field. Bob should volunteer his snacks.
Who cares if the bird steals BOB's snacks as long as he gets the tee off the field. Bob should volunteer his snacks.

Leave Bob alone...he's having a bad thread! Last I saw of him, he was chompin' on some beef jerky while sneaking up on a sasquatch...I left the second he said "Hey guys, watch this..."!
If Bob would just run out and get the tee then he would save himself a couple hotdogs a game and he could tell all his friends he was out on the field.
If Bob would just run out and get the tee then he would save himself a couple hotdogs a game and he could tell all his friends he was out on the field.

Knowing Bob's luck, no one will inform Per-Mar of his new on-field duties and you can imagine the rest...crusty old farts chasing him around, delaying the game as they baton his a$$ into submission...then they give him a parking ticket...
Knowing Bob's luck, no one will inform Per-Mar of his new on-field duties and you can imagine the rest...crusty old farts chasing him around, delaying the game as they baton his a$$ into submission...then they give him a parking ticket...

I think we should notify the police department first, because you know they are just itching to taze someone.
The Air Force has a raptor that they show off before games...pretty neat.

I doubt the "libs" would protest if a handler brought out a trained hawk and let it fly, unless it attacked an important con in the crowd, then people would probably be upset I suppose, or not...
Its all fun and games until the kicker misses the ball because it fell off a very slobbery kicking tee. The bear would probaly eat the tee. Its a lot farther to go track down tee that a hawk has down by the river high up in a tree.
The Macbride Raptor Project or

This could be closer to happening than you realize. The U of I already has a raptor center with trainers and training facilities at the McBride field campus. Bob is screwed.

This is from your link:
Unfortunately for us, and for raptors, human activities have taken a heavy toll on these wonderful birds. Hawks, owls and eagles are still illegally shot, trapped, and poisoned – taking the blame for livestock losses or simply killed for sport. Because of their lofty place in the food chain, raptors have been devastated by environmental contaminants, such as DDT and other pesticides. Because they require a variety of habitats for breeding and hunting, raptors have also been seriously affected by the disappearance of prairies, wetlands, and forests. Due to a combination of these factors, over half of the raptor species historically nesting in Iowa are either gone or on the state endangered species list.

Bob feeds said bird hotdog, the tree huggers will have a fit because hotdogs partial reason for endangerment thus landing Bob a spot in jail right next to Melroseguy.

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