Boise jumps from 5 to 3

And of course, Oregon is rewarded for beating perhaps the worst D1-A school from last year. Nice. What was the point of scheduling decent/good teams for the non-conf again?

You just answered your own question there. A team that beats a school in the top 10, which I would call decent/good and they moved up. Why is that an issue again?
I don't see a problem with Boise moving up. They beat a very good team. Florida looked terrible, and Texas didn't look so hot either. If they beat Oregon State, and win the rest of their games easily, then they won't drop. If they lose (at any point), or play a close game in-conference, they will drop.

But Florida is not a top-10 team, not even close at this point. Preseason polls can ruin the CFB season, just because teams like that get the head start, and can actually get a mulligan.

Herby said it best in the game last night: "People are always complaining about the computers, but I'm really starting to take issue with the human element." Not an exact quote, but it was something like that.

I too am starting to take issue with the human element. As long as Boise St keeps winning games on their walk through Candy Land, we are going to have them shoved down our throats. The talking heads are basically trying to tell people that the title game has already been decided, BSU vs the SEC champ. The computers will sh*t all over Boise because of the craptastic schedule, but that is only 1/3 of the formula. The retarded humans will do as ESPN commands them and vote Boise vs SEC.

I'm a staunch traditionalist, and have backed the bowl system for years because it was an intregal part of the mystique of college football. This Boise St crap,however, has sent me over the edge. College football needs a championship tournament. The BCS is a steaming pile of corrupted poo. Until 16 teams battle it out in a true tournament, we will never have a true undisputed college football National Champion.
I too am starting to take issue with the human element. As long as Boise St keeps winning games on their walk through Candy Land, we are going to have them shoved down our throats. The talking heads are basically trying to tell people that the title game has already been decided, BSU vs the SEC champ. The computers will sh*t all over Boise because of the craptastic schedule, but that is only 1/3 of the formula. The retarded humans will do as ESPN commands them and vote Boise vs SEC.

I'm a staunch traditionalist, and have backed the bowl system for years because it was an intregal part of the mystique of college football. This Boise St crap,however, has sent me over the edge. College football needs a championship tournament. The BCS is a steaming pile of corrupted poo. Until 16 teams battle it out in a true tournament, we will never have a true undisputed college football National Champion.

The computers really didn't hate on BSU last year. They finished #6 in the computer rankings. Expect that ranking to be better if they run the table this year (having two good BCS teams on the schedule will improve the SOS from last year). While I agree (and have been saying for over a month) that the human polls will be the difference for BSU should they run the table, they still have another legitimate chance to lose when they play Oregon State.

I'm not so sure that the SEC champ gets into the title game this year, either. I haven't been sold on 'Bama running the table again, and unless Florida steps up their offensive game in a hurry, the SEC schedule isn't going to look so tough. A 1-loss SEC champ won't jump an undefeated Big Ten champ, I know that much.
I don't know why you guys are so worried about them anywayz. I see a loss on their schedule at some point. Utah State played Oklahoma tough, Hawaii played USC tough for part of the game, Oregon State has a little while to get it together and Nevada can be dangerous. If not a loss at some point I see at the very least a close call, and that will undoubtedly drop them in the polls. Its early guys and we all know how unpredictable this sport can be.
Boise played tougher opposition than anyone else in the top 25, on the road, and won.

Why on Earth should they not move up?

Not exactly on the road. They had to deal with the travel and majority VTech crowd. That being said it wasn't a home game for VT and there was a crap ton of Blue in the crowd. It was like an 80% road game.
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Not exactly on the road. They had to deal with the travel and majority VTech crowd. That being said it wasn't a home game for VT and there was a crap ton of Blue in the crowd. It was like an 80% road game.

Those fans from Boise make the trip one way or another. VT fans didn't have to go all that far. That may not have been a home game, but it was right in their backyard (no different than USC/SEC in the Rose/Sugar bowls).
Because they looked like crap against a team who didn't deserve to be in the top 10 in the first place.

Or how about: nobody in front of them lost.

As I said, they got rewarded for trying to give the game away.

Haha! To knock these two teams is an insult to intelligence. If our Hawkeyes would of went to Dc and beat Va Tech the way Boise did we would be expecting to rocket launch in the polls.

week one games are sloppy games for most teams and the coaches will tell you this. I give both programs credit for playing a game this magnitude week one knowing the implications but also know that there will be guarenteed sloppy play.

So Boise took the lead early because of Va tech sloppiness and during the game Va tech came back and took the lead. Isnt that what happens in football games. Teams look sloppy at times and the other takes advantage of sloppiness or mistakes. The bottom line is Va tech needed one stop and they didnt get that stop. Boise needed a td to win the game and they put the ball in the endzone. Who care about anything leading up to that point. When the game was on the line in the final minutes Boise outplayed Va tech and won the game. Imagine the pressure for Boise in this game knowing they had to win to hold any nc dreams. They had a big lead and lost it but they overcame that adversity and once again outplayed va tech when the game mattered most.

We hate boise because of something they cant control. They offer to schedule big programs but no big programs want to go to boise and play. They are a constant headache to college football because of the conference they play in and the schedule they play. I wish they played in a competitive conference to see how they would an eight week conference schedule and I think they would lose a minimum 2-3 games per year if they did play in a competitive conference. The bottom line is they dont and its a headache for us all and the polls. I respect them for the way they play football against the teams on thier schedule every year and I repsect them because they remind me of the Hawkeyes at times. They went into a pressured situation, faced adversity in that game and they won the game.

Preseason rankings and early season rankings dont hold much creditibility. Win games and as the year takes shape and as teams lose games the rankings hold more accuracy and they take accurate form.

Go Hawkeyes!

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