Bobby Petrino's lady friend

It would suck even more for Gus Malzahn to up and quit for another job at this point.
That would be a true scumbag move.

Except there is some question as to whether astAte actually can raise the money to pay him his full salary. The way the state salary structure is set up they can only pay him about 20% of his contract through university money. They need to generate the rest through creating more revenue streams and donors.

One of the ways they are trying to raise money is by charging 5$ to watch the Spring game, when it has always been free. Next week they'll be selling lemonade, having bake sales, and washing cars.

Malzahn hasn't signed a contract. If Tyson, the Waltons, etc. want Gus in Fayetteville, they could make it happen in a way that most the state could stomach. No way the interim guy gets the spot, unless they decide to ride the year out.
The story is amazing. They left the scene of the accident, an unnamed person drove them to her personal car where she leaves, the police catch up with Petrino, he lies to the U and his family and lets them issue a statement stating he was alone... and then it all blows up.

What a total idiot and d-bag. But he was 11-2 last year so it's cool.

The blonde is a former Arkansas volleyball player, engaged to be married in June - wonder how her fiance feels about that now.

Photo: Bobby Petrino Had this 25-Year-Old Blonde on His Motorcycle at Time of Accident
this chick has "predator" written all over her

