Bilas, Dickie V cite "integrity" in Alf's departure to UCLA


Well-Known Member
They suggest there wasn't much in UCLA pursuing him and Alf agreeing to go, just days after signing a 10-year contract extension and professing his love and loyalty for the Lobo program.

not surprised with anything related to alfred and scurviness. didn't ask permission is on him too. not surprised he was banging the secretary.
They suggest there wasn't much in UCLA pursuing him and Alf agreeing to go, just days after signing a 10-year contract extension and professing his love and loyalty for the Lobo program.


If New Mexico was so concerned about keeping the most successful coach they have ever had, they should have put a non-compete clause in his contract. The coach's termination obligations will be met and it isn't Alford's fault New Mexico's athletic department didn't ask for more onerous terms to terminate the agreement.
When Fran was hired, one of the first things I said he had to do was restore integrity back into the Iowa program, he did that in his opening press conference and everything he has done since. Fran could have easily told more than a few players to take a hike, but he showed them respect and didn't kick anyone to the curb. He respects the Iowa program and its history, unlike the previous two coaches. Fran has integrity and I am glad Iowa had to go through what they did to get Fran and I don't think he gets enough credit for what he has done when he did things with class when he first got to Iowa.
They suggest there wasn't much in UCLA pursuing him and Alf agreeing to go, just days after signing a 10-year contract extension and professing his love and loyalty for the Lobo program.


I say we "caption" this picture.....:)
IIRC, Alf didn't sign the extension. They just came to an agreement and announced it publicly. The signing was supposed to take place this week. I could be wrong, but that's my interpretation of how this went down.

When Fran was hired, one of the first things I said he had to do was restore integrity back into the Iowa program, he did that in his opening press conference and everything he has done since. Fran could have easily told more than a few players to take a hike, but he showed them respect and didn't kick anyone to the curb. He respects the Iowa program and its history, unlike the previous two coaches. Fran has integrity and I am glad Iowa had to go through what they did to get Fran and I don't think he gets enough credit for what he has done when he did things with class when he first got to Iowa.

What did Lick do that was unethical? He had his own problems but I don't think it's fair that he is lumped into the same category as Alford.
Seriously, does ANYone care what Bilas and Dukie V actually think of Alford?

I think you can be certain that Bilas and Vitale get a lot of information, rumors, speculation and scuttlebutt from people inside or on the periphery of many of the college programs in the country, and they then parrot some of what they hear. If others in college hoops felt there was something a bit dirty about the way UCLA approached Alf after announcement of his extension or Alf deciding to leave, you probably are getting that from these two.
What did Lick do that was unethical? He had his own problems but I don't think it's fair that he is lumped into the same category as Alford.

He's referring to how both Alford and Lick kind of shunned program alums.
Bilas is also a lawyer. Cause we all know how much integrity they have...

I get tired of lawyers being talked about like they have no sense of ethics. SOMEBODY has to do the job they do. Without them, the entire justice system breaks down and we can just as well start up an American Gestapo.
I'm long past the Alford days and am not bitter by any means. I wish him the best of luck, but that said in my opinion it's a classless move on his part to sign a ten year extension and then to jump ship before the ink had time to stop drying. If he wanted to pursue bigger things that's one thing, but there was no excuse for him to ever sign the extension. in the first place. IMO it shows major lack of character on his part.

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