Big weekend for Telford!

Do you think the hawks are at a slight disadvantage for not have a heavier coach in the room to work with guys like keddy and Danimal on their shots and not just under hooks. I am by no means saying brands can not coach these guys just would a guy more the size of Jackson help out the Iowa big guys. It is a diffent style of wrestling than say 25-57. Just a question for some chat.
That is a tricky discussion that has been discussed at length before. The short answer would be no they don't NEED a big coach, but maybe one could help some... :)

You have to look at it from the perspective that they don't want there big guys to wrestle like your typical big guys. They want them to use the same style that the little guys use and get after it. In that line of thought then the coaching can come from anyone who teaches that style regardless of size. They still have guys to bang with in the room with teamates and many ex wrestlers that come through the room sometimes. They are also trying to develop depth at all weights which in turn will give them more bodies to rotate.

For those that have been in the room our current coaches aren't afraid to get on the mat and show the big guys how things are done sometimes. Terry also gained great experience with big guys while at the OTC and can really teach them a lot.

Of course it wouldn't hurt to have a big guy on staff from a recruiting perspective and also for another guy to push them everyday but in my mind it's not necessary at this point. Tom is a loyal guy and likes to have Iowa guys on his staff with him and there aren't really that many big guys that have come through Iowa in the past that are in coaching and looking for a job... He has had big guys on staff previously but he just wants the best guy regardless of size.

Wow, that was a lot of rambling and I hope it makes sense...
"Tom is a loyal guy and likes to have Iowa guys on his staff with him and there aren't really that many big guys that have come through Iowa in the past that are in coaching and looking for a job"
I just think it would be nice to have to big guy that knows what it is like to wrestle at that kind of weight. I am not saying the coaches they have now can't do it. I just don't see vary many if any big guys that wrestle like well lets say a 33lber. Nothing against those guys but when you have 180lbs hanging on you it is not as easy to move around. Gable made a good comment on Sunday about making a good shot is also about moving and not trying to take on the other person's weight.
Plus I was kind of also hoping some more people would voice their thoughts but I guess not.
Does Steve Mocco work out with the guys? I don't know anything about what goes on in the wrestling room, but I have seen him around town.
I have always thought we needed to get a big coach in the room, one that could be there full time. Brands is a great coach but telling someone what to do and actually showing them and demonstrating is completely different. I think it would help to have someone who could wrestle with them and coach them at the same time, while also having the feel of what they will have on the mat. Im sure the coaches in the room are very good competition to them but the feel and moves would be completely different. They do have the other wrestlers on the team to drill with, but they arent coaches. In the instances of the starters, no disrespect to the other guys, but they would be wrestling down in competition. They best way to learn, in my opinion, is to wrestle up in competition, like a coach, who can also teach you at the same time. Of course we have an amazing coaching staff who can get the job done, but i think having a bigger coach in the room would just make the crew that much better.

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