Big Ten: What Do We Know About Each Team?

Pretty spot on...

that we didn't know in August? Who is living up to expectations? Who is not there yet?

Big Ten: What Do We Know? | | Big 10 Football & Basketball

it's hard to get a very complete picture about any team until they face a team that can fight back on the road. Wisconsin is very good, and I think Nebraska and Michigan good, but they haven't been put in any adverse situations yet on the road. We'll know more about Nebbie after this week, but we'll need to see UM and Wisconsin leave home to know more.
Michigan scares me, if they figure out how to use Robinson but not too much so he stays healthy then watch out. He is so fast that if you make one mistake he takes it to the house. Would love to have a weapon like that. With that said their D will not hold up.
Great question, Jon - my buddies and I were just talking about this on Saturday. That is, just how far along do we have to get into the season before a fan (heck...even the head coach) knows their team? And also, doesn't it seem like it's taking longer and longer to answer that question these days? (And I'm not just talking about Iowa.)

Indiana and Minn are after thoughts, and probably Purdue as well. I believe both Wisconsin and Illinois are solid; I'm not seeing an Illinois dip because they're built on D and a solid running game.

However after that...the remaining 7 teams in between all have gigantic questions, and it will take B1G play to sort it out. Iowa could go 5-7 to 10-2...and you could say that about Nebby, Meeechigan, Sparty.......
My take:

Our (Nebraska's) defense and kick coverage units have been attrocious against sub-par competition. Our offense looks better, but it looked pretty good against our non-conference opponents the last 2 years, and then it fell apart once we played actual division one opponents.

This will not be a popular opinion, but neither Wisconsin nor Nebraska is a top ten team right now, thankfully the Big Ten is weak. If we were in the Big 12, we would be lucky to be above .500 in conference play this year.
Think KF would have the stones to call that fake punt deep in our own territory 6 min to play in a tied ball game? Would he have the cajones to make a tough call and go for two when leading by 25 points?

That is not a tough call at all you kick the Extra point and don't be a complete @$$ hole about it.
I, think what we have learned about Iowa is hold on tight going too be lots of close games in the Big Ten. Iowa really could be 10-1 going into Nebraska or 7-4 going too be a tight Big Ten season for sure.
The success that Wisoncsin has this year will not be about BB's ability to coach, it will be completetly be based on their luck that 1) that Russell Wlson decided he wanted to play football this fall and not continue with his baseball career, 2) NC state's coach is a complete idiot it not letting Russell Wilson come back and 3) he chose Wisconsin over Auburn.
My take:

Our (Nebraska's) defense and kick coverage units have been attrocious against sub-par competition. Our offense looks better, but it looked pretty good against our non-conference opponents the last 2 years, and then it fell apart once we played actual division one opponents.

This will not be a popular opinion, but neither Wisconsin nor Nebraska is a top ten team right now, thankfully the Big Ten is weak. If we were in the Big 12, we would be lucky to be above .500 in conference play this year.

Tell ya what, you petition the folks at Nebby to get you guys back to the Big XII. I'm pretty sure there are 11 other B1G schools that will sign it with you. Problem solved.
The success that Wisoncsin has this year will not be about BB's ability to coach, it will be completetly be based on their luck that 1) that Russell Wlson decided he wanted to play football this fall and not continue with his baseball career, 2) NC state's coach is a complete idiot it not letting Russell Wilson come back and 3) he chose Wisconsin over Auburn.

As they say,better to be lucky than good,and BB is both. Consider wisky without the now-expired rule that allowed Wilson to attend and play at Wisky immediately. Their next qb,Budmayer just had surgery on his elbow,and the guy behind him is a frosh who has never taken snap under fire in college.

Without the transfer,Wisky is probably a 4-4 team in the league. But,hey,as they say...better to be lucky...
Great question, Jon - my buddies and I were just talking about this on Saturday. That is, just how far along do we have to get into the season before a fan (heck...even the head coach) knows their team? And also, doesn't it seem like it's taking longer and longer to answer that question these days? (And I'm not just talking about Iowa.)

Indiana and Minn are after thoughts, and probably Purdue as well. I believe both Wisconsin and Illinois are solid; I'm not seeing an Illinois dip because they're built on D and a solid running game.

However after that...the remaining 7 teams in between all have gigantic questions, and it will take B1G play to sort it out. Iowa could go 5-7 to 10-2...and you could say that about Nebby, Meeechigan, Sparty.......
Great question, Jon - my buddies and I were just talking about this on Saturday. That is, just how far along do we have to get into the season before a fan (heck...even the head coach) knows their team? And also, doesn't it seem like it's taking longer and longer to answer that question these days? (And I'm not just talking about Iowa.)

Indiana and Minn are after thoughts, and probably Purdue as well. I believe both Wisconsin and Illinois are solid; I'm not seeing an Illinois dip because they're built on D and a solid running game.

However after that...the remaining 7 teams in between all have gigantic questions, and it will take B1G play to sort it out. Iowa could go 5-7 to 10-2...and you could say that about Nebby, Meeechigan, Sparty.......

Good post! Minny and Indy are bad just like they are most years. The thing is Iowa is only 6-4 the last 10 games against Indy AND Minny and lucky not to be 4-6. Minny's only home win last year came against Iowa.
The only way that happens is if we make a bad coaching hire. We aren't and elite draw for a prospective coach but we are certainly in that second tier. We are solidly the 4th best place to be in the B10 as far as a HC is concerned.

Elite Jobs as of 2011 in my opinion:


Next Cut:

Notre Dame

You could add more to the second group.

Iowa may be more attractive to a coach right now due to the resources it has allocated to football..Ferentz is one of the best paid coaches in the two years, once they get the new indoor facility done, there really isn't anything else you really need to add facilities wise...newly renovated stadium, brand new players practice facilities (where they spend most of their time anyway), elite weight room...Top 20 attendance, Top 15 football only revenues.

Then it comes down to a matter of recruiting demographics, etc.
I like Brett and he is aggressive. However, I am not yet ready to say he is the best, for as it relates to this job, he was born on at least second base.

How bout 3rd base with the batter sitting in a 3-0 count?

If the best coach in the Big Ten has a 2-3 record in bowl games then I would not expect the Big Ten to regain respect anytime soon.
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Welp Kirk is running an offense that he doesnt want to run(said he had to please the fans when talking to Dolp). Bert is crushing teams and last I checked that never lost him a game.
I don't think Kirk doesn't want to run this offense. I think he didn't even have it on his radar coming in to this year. Coming into this season our receiving core looked like it was going to be down with McNutt being the only proven guy. The emergence of Keenan Davis and KMART transformed that quickly. Kirk was forced to go no huddle against Pitt and saw that this trio was ready to handle it. Looks like he "trusts" the guys to operate that offense now.
Did you take Kirk seriously when he said that? He said it tongue in cheek, his way of acknowledging that he's aware of what fans say. But in no way would Kirk change a scheme to please the media and fans. Once a coach does that, they are in for a world of trouble as a coach. He did it because our personnel allowed him to change it

Welp Kirk is running an offense that he doesnt want to run(said he had to please the fans when talking to Dolp). Bert is crushing teams and last I checked that never lost him a game.

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