Big Ten Plus Five Getting Closer

Am I the only one that doesn't want this to happen?

No, I'm with you. I will be very disappointed if this happens. The Big Ten I have been rooting for and proud to be a part of for the past 25 years or so will no longer exist. I guess change is always inevitable, but it really doesn't need to be this drastic.

The only positive I see as of now, is that we would get to play Nebraska probably annually. That I would love.
Wishful thinking on the Pac 10's part. The Pac 10 has a 100% member approval requirement in order to expand. Stanford would never let OU in with their shaky academic reputation. Heck they voted against Texas in the mid 90s.

Times have changed. However, I am dubious about the OU and Kansas issue as well. That is just what I am hearing. The SEC people thought they had a shot at Texas, but the SEC academic thing is not going to float.
It will be ND and done. If you think thru the possibilities and tack on about 10 years to the equation it becomes more obvious. ND is relevant right now because of $$$. They WANT to be relevant because of wins and championships. I said in a different thread that they can't spend and hire their way back. There is tooo much money at stake and the power is too overwhelming. They will bite...they will be in the B10 by 2015.
Yeah, I don't buy this articles "source", as it's probably the same source that Feldman was referring too that turned out to be a bogus lead. I would love it if the Big Ten expanded by 1 team, but a part of me will die (in a college football fan perspective) if the Big Ten goes to a 16 team league. And why add all these city schools? One of the points of pride of the Big Ten is that its filled with great state institutions (sans Northwestern). Fill it with Pitt and Syracuse, etc. Blah. I pray this doesn't happen. Add just Missouri, or just Rutgers, or just Nebraska, or preferrably Notre Dame and that is all PLEASE!!!
I find the tradition argument just not as compelling since the start of the BCS. What teams are most responsible for the creation of the BCS? Well, one of them is PSU. Why is the Big Ten wrongly named? Um, PSU. What have been the most compelling conference games for Iowa over the last ten years and have probably helped put Iowa on the map more than any other conference school? PSU.

I know change is scary, but it often works out for the better for many people involved.
There is no way changing to 16 teams and ending the Big Ten is going to be better. It will no longer be the Big Ten. With the exception of Penn St, Every Big Ten school has over 50 years of membership and many over 100 years. That is tradition. The only way you can erase that is to disband the current Big Ten and start a new conference, which is exactly what expanding to 16 teams does. It makes me sick. This is change for the sake of change. Why does everyone in todays society think they need to change a good thing?
If this mega conference comes to fruition and it causes massive realignment among the other conferences, then outside of football, Notre Dame will be in big trouble. I don't see the Big East existing, or if so, a shell of its former self. With that ND will be left high and dry and not allowed to join the Big Ten, so where will they turn? I hope for their sake they don't let their stubborness with maintaining their football independence ruin their non-football sports.
Could you imagine your proposed western division ever being relevant?

Big 10 College Football Champions

It is true that the last 5 years has been all Penn ST and Ohio ST, but I would hardly call the other division irrelevant. Things go in cycles...and I would put Iowa and Wisky as heavy hitters right there with OSU. Michigan is not what it once was, Penn St is in decline, and adding a rising Nebraska to Iowa's division might make that division a stronger division top to bottom.
If this mega conference comes to fruition and it causes massive realignment among the other conferences, then outside of football, Notre Dame will be in big trouble. I don't see the Big East existing, or if so, a shell of its former self. With that ND will be left high and dry and not allowed to join the Big Ten, so where will they turn? I hope for their sake they don't let their stubborness with maintaining their football independence ruin their non-football sports.

ND can burn for all I care. I am happy when they suck.
I don't think you'll see the Big10 announce all 5 teams at once. I think they'll announce one at a time showing ND that they are seriously considering going to 16 and that if they want in they better $hit or get off the pot. I think if ND doesn't join the Big10 they will become even more irrelevant.
Getting closer only in the sense that at the end of each day it gets closer to June when the BT meetings will take up the question of whether or not it should put expansion on the agenda for the BT presidents to consider.

It is conceivable that they might separate intercollegiate athletics from the BT itself, setting the circumstances for BT member schools to join some kind of super-conference in football and maybe some or all other sports in which a member participates. But why anyone would assume this is likely is difficult to understand. No BT president has given any public indication that he/she would favor it.

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