Big East + Big 12 = Big Leftovers Conference?


Well-Known Member
While there may be 4 major conferences left standing, there are enough to form a decent leftover conference or two - one in the western US, and one with the midwest/eastern US.
If you want to purposely lower your IQ, go to CF and read there take on realignment. It's an unprecedented mix of stupidity, depression, and delusion.
For a fan base that likes to trash the Big Ten all the time they sure do have a hardon for the Big Ten.

I grew up a Big 10 fan and still am, I would love to see ISU in the Big10. If the southern schools go to the Pac 12 its not a pretty sight unless we back door our way into the Big 10. Any other option is not really pretty as of now.
For a fan base that likes to trash the Big Ten all the time they sure do have a hardon for the Big Ten.

Exactly! I have been saying this all day. ISUer especially has been hating on the B1G yet in the same breath he is preaching how great it would be to get a B1G invite.
To be fair the Clone fans I know think there is no chance they get in the Big 10. It's the message board crowd like ISUer that have JP on speed dial and know 79 year old boosters with creepy smiles that give the fan base a bad name.
Isu knows it will never be invited to the Big 10. The Big 10 is not just going to invite a team or teams because a conference implodes and they have no where to go. The conferences (except perhaps the Big East) are inviting teams that add markets or have a rich football history or both. The Big 10 uses that meter plus academics. Isu would have one of the three in their favor...the academics.

Using those standards, the Big 10 would invite Rutgers before Isu. Rutgers has somewhat of a market in the east coast, academics, but no football history. The only school from the Big 12 (other than Texas) that I think even remotely has a chance to join the Big 10 is Missouri. Not the richest football history but not bad either, academics, and a market.

If the Big 10 ever goes to 16 teams, I think Missouri will be included (unless the SEC actually invites them).

A conference put together with leftovers from two conferences after other conferences have cherry picked teams doesn't leave much of a conference. No name teams, small tv markets, and not very much football history or tradition among the leftovers. The conference would be a little above the the MWC but probably not deserving of an automatic BCS bid.

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