Big 12 to stay together with just 10 teams?

I personally vote for the Big East. I'm sick of Texas...a big TV contract is great but the future of the conference is all about Texas. I'd prefer a conference in which all of the schools are valued as equals. Primus inter pares is one thing, flat out thanks.

Is this a catch 22 financially for ISU? Meaning if they bail to the Big East are they on the hook for the Big 12 exit fee? I don't expect you to know, but would the invite be contingent on KS, KSU and Mizzou joining as well? is reporting that A&M is going to the SEC, so that kind of kills the whole 10 team theory if the report is true.
This is the best scenario for the Whorns:

> They get their Bevo Network (at the expense of the other teams in the conference.

> They get to keep their groveling, boot licking conference commissioner and continue to lead him around by his nose ring.

> They get nine other teams that will constantly suck up to them and tell them how wonderful and great they are.

> The get total control and domination of the conference.

...I'm starting to like all these new Husker fans on this site! is reporting that A&M is going to the SEC, so that kind of kills the whole 10 team theory if the report is true.

I am seeing this quite a bit also but i am not sure if it just a retweet. I am curious if the Big 12(10) stays together and each school can negotiate its own tv package if this benefits ISU at all? So ISU games will be on Mediacom 22? Awesome for Directv and Dish owners and one more thing for Pollard to whine about.
I am seeing this quite a bit also but i am not sure if it just a retweet. I am curious if the Big 12(10) stays together and each school can negotiate its own tv package if this benefits ISU at all? So ISU games will be on Mediacom 22? Awesome for Directv and Dish owners and one more thing for Pollard to whine about.
I'm sure Pollard would find a way to blame the University of Iowa for that too
I am seeing this quite a bit also but i am not sure if it just a retweet. I am curious if the Big 12(10) stays together and each school can negotiate its own tv package if this benefits ISU at all? So ISU games will be on Mediacom 22? Awesome for Directv and Dish owners and one more thing for Pollard to whine about.
There are numerous links to what the TV package is all about and obviously you have not read a single one. Big 12 games would now be shown mostly on Fox and here and there on FSN, guarenteeing 17-20 million a school and the schools would also be able to have their own network for games outside of football like the Cyclone Television Network. I hate when people on this board post bull **** without reading a thing.
The only links "proving" the $17M payout is Beebe's "assurances" that he can get $17M per school. If you have any other information, I'd love to see it.
I strolled over to aggieyell. Whew, that place has a cast of characters that resembles those in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Google should make sure psychotic medicinals get advertised. Better yet people better hope they are on meds. They maybe delusional, but it is reads as if they are in SEC already.

Now those SEC fans are a different bunch. Some poor cyclone fan dropped in and he is probably floating belly up toward New Orleans. I warn you those folks are more than a bit paranoid. You wouldn't need a Psych 101 lab to learn how to recognize abnormal personality disorders.

I'm not sure, but I think Randall McMurphy is a moderator.
There are numerous links to what the TV package is all about and obviously you have not read a single one. Big 12 games would now be shown mostly on Fox and here and there on FSN, guarenteeing 17-20 million a school and the schools would also be able to have their own network for games outside of football like the Cyclone Television Network. I hate when people on this board post bull **** without reading a thing.

That is the same as what you have and how often are they on TV again? How many of your games were televised last season? How many in 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, etc.? And who is going to comprise the CTN? When A&M bolts this week for the SEC it is all moot anyhow. And I am sympathetic to your cause. You make it hard to be. Check yourself.
The only links "proving" the $17M payout is Beebe's "assurances" that he can get $17M per school. If you have any other information, I'd love to see it.
In the last three weeks Beebe has thrown together a deal with Fox that would put games on Fox, a couple would go to FSN, all games would be telcasted throught ABC/ESPN/Fox/FSN. This deal has been in the making since the rumblings with NU to the Big 10. Beebe has said "Fox wants to marry the Big 12, just as the ESPN did with the SEC."
There are numerous links to what the TV package is all about and obviously you have not read a single one. Big 12 games would now be shown mostly on Fox and here and there on FSN, guarenteeing 17-20 million a school and the schools would also be able to have their own network for games outside of football like the Cyclone Television Network. I hate when people on this board post bull **** without reading a thing.

Feel free to provide one.
In the last three weeks Beebe has thrown together a deal with Fox that would put games on Fox, a couple would go to FSN, all games would be telcasted throught ABC/ESPN/Fox/FSN. This deal has been in the making since the rumblings with NU to the Big 10. Beebe has said "Fox wants to marry the Big 12, just as the ESPN did with the SEC."
Do you have any proof of this deal? Or just Beebe's word? This guy makes George W. look like a rocket scientist. Hopefully we can find out what happens next week. If I were you, I would be down on my knees praying this happens, despite the fact you will forever be one of Texas's 9 whipping boys.
In the last three weeks Beebe has thrown together a deal with Fox that would put games on Fox, a couple would go to FSN, all games would be telcasted throught ABC/ESPN/Fox/FSN. This deal has been in the making since the rumblings with NU to the Big 10. Beebe has said "Fox wants to marry the Big 12, just as the ESPN did with the SEC."

The Fox network, or their regional sports networks (like FSN North, FSN Kansas City, etc..)? If it's the Fox network, you can keep it. We've all seen how well they do with college football during the BCS over the last four years.

Second, why would ESPN/ABC agree to a deal that helps their competetion?
In the last three weeks Beebe has thrown together a deal with Fox that would put games on Fox, a couple would go to FSN, all games would be telcasted throught ABC/ESPN/Fox/FSN. This deal has been in the making since the rumblings with NU to the Big 10. Beebe has said "Fox wants to marry the Big 12, just as the ESPN did with the SEC."

So you are saying that FOX is going to start broadcasting college games each Saturday featuring the Big 12(10)? I hadn't read that in any of the articles I saw posted. Interesting since they don't currently broadcast any games during the season (only the Cotton Bowl and BCS the last few years). I hope that is true and that it comes to fruition. But I have my doubts.
Do you have any proof of this deal? Or just Beebe's word? This guy makes George W. look like a rocket scientist. Hopefully we can find out what happens next week. If I were you, I would be down on my knees praying this happens, despite the fact you will forever be one of Texas's 9 whipping boys.

I think we all know the answer to that question.
So let me get this straight. The Big 10 now has twelve teams and the Big 12 is gonna go with ten teams.

Makes perfect sense :)
Chip just put up an article on Orangebloods saying that Texas is more than likely going to accept Beebe's TV offer and stay with the current Big 12. Looks like now they are saying it's up to A&M now since they are considering the SEC.
Even if the Big12(10) decides to stay together, what's next for them? They lost their best North team and Baylor, KSU, KU, ISU, OK and Ok St have been treated like redheaded step children. It's pretty obvious from the outside looking in that TX controls the entire conference and eventually the other programs are going to get tired of it. A&M already is and it would not surprise me one bit to see them head to the SEC and forge their own trail if for nothing else than to get out of the shadow of TX.

Chip Brown is a mouthpiece for TX. I'm sure this is nothing more than PR control by TX so they don't end up looking like the bad guy in all of this.

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