Bielema to Nebraska?

The most interesting part of the article to me is that his buyout clause is only $2M after January 1st, $2.5M before.
This information has put me in a daze.. this cannot happen. We cannot sit idly by and let Nebraska take our prodigal son
Chris Low at ESPN just tweeted this:

"Talked to Bret Bielema and he said he's not going to Nebraska and that he's all Hog."
This. Could this force Barta's hand? Should it?

You are joking, right? Bar Bar won't do anything. Even if KF was going into the final year of his contract, they wouldn't fire him. He doesn't have the nads to do it. He'll let KF go when KF is ready to go.
Everyone just calm down. Nebby will be going through the same process they used to get Bo after they fired Solich and Callahan... Offer the job to all the hot names until someone down the line a ways is just dumb enough to take it.

Why would any successful current D1 head coach in their right mind take the Nebby job where a 9 win season gets you fired, you live and work under a magnifying glass, and Nebby football is the one distraction keeping thousands from drinking paint thinner out of sheer boredom?
Just heard on the radio that Nebraska offered Bielema $30 million for 5 years but he turned it down, per "sources".
Just heard on the radio that Nebraska offered Bielema $30 million for 5 years but he turned it down, per "sources".

I heard that to. Unless he takes a Michigan type job,he stays at Arkie until his dream job(Iowa) becomes available.

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