BHGP quote about Stanzi on College Football Zealots


Well-Known Member
RossWB from BHGP was interviewed by College Football Zealots and when asked about Stanzi made the following comment:

"He makes mistakes, but there are few quarterbacks I’d rather have in the fourth quarter. He’s also a great patriot, so if you don’t like him, you hate America. Commie."

Best thing I've read all day.

College Football Zealots
RossWB from BHGP was interviewed by College Football Zealots and when asked about Stanzi made the following comment:

"He makes mistakes, but there are few quarterbacks I’d rather have in the fourth quarter. He’s also a great patriot, so if you don’t like him, you hate America. Commie."

Best thing I've read all day.

College Football Zealots

HAHA by far the funniest thing I've read all day. I actually did, laugh out loud. I might get fired. :) The whole office looked at me. It was great. Awesome post. :)
From that site:

2009 Offensive Statistics
Scoring: 23.2 points per game (10th in Big Ten)
Rushing Yards/Game: 114 (10th in Big Ten)
Passing Yards/Game: 222 (6th in Big Ten)
Total Yards/Game: 336 (10th in Big Ten)

2009 Defensive Statistics
Scoring: 15.4 points per game (3rd in Big Ten, 8th in Nation)
Rushing Yards/Game: 123 (5th in Big Ten)
Passing Yards/Game: 152 (1st in Big Ten, 3rd in Nation)
Total Yards/Game: 276 (3rd in Big Ten, 10th in Nation)

O'Keefe should hand over his salary to Norm. Good Lord.
From that site:

O'Keefe should hand over his salary to Norm. Good Lord.

Yeah, because it couldn't have been the fact that we were using two freshmen plus an Irish Somoan as running backs or the fact that our best offensive lineman was out for 3 games and took another 3 games to get back into shape or the fact that our QB wouldn't look off his receiver and kept wanting to spot the opposition 7 points right out of the gate.

But don't let facts get in the way of bashing your favorite whipping boy.

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