BHGP color coordination idea


Well-Known Member
hahaha...i love it.

Color Coordination Instructions for Wisconsin Game

by Horace E. Cow on Oct 7, 2010 2:21 PM CDT
[Bumped. I think we can do this.--AJ]
[Memo dictated by Tad Shamarharhar, Assistant Athletic Director for Color Coordination, Wave Production and Rhythmic Chanting, for general release]
The Penn State game was a great success. I don't think anyone thought we could get the Kinnick crowd to pull off the stripe effect, but we did it. Note to self: if I ever realize my lifelong dream of pulling off a coup d'etat in this country, remember that the Iowans follow directions well. Very well. Don't write that last part down.
It was an impressive effort, but I think we have just touched the tip of the iceberg in terms of fan color coordination. We can, nay, we must go farther. Here are the color coordination instructions I have prepared for the Wisconsin game:
  • If you are sitting in section 122, row 45, seats 1-15, you should wear navy
  • If you are sitting in section 122, row 45, seats 16-25, you should wear royal blue
  • If you are sitting in section 122, row 45, seats 26-40, you should wear ecru
[50 pages of detailed color instructions follow]
  • And lastly, if you are in section 131, row 1, seat 1, you should wear burnt sienna.
The overall effect should look something like this:
Let's make it happen people.
Haha...that's awesome! Thanks for posting it beaverdaleguy...I don't get over to BHGP like I should!

You should move this thread to the Football'll get A LOT more views and comments.
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That is great. Last weekend looked outstanding and I wondered if we could coordinate a yellow tigerhawk over a black overlay. That would be extremely impressive.