BF contradicts Barta?

The Barta process is similar to any company or agency that has nepotism rules. Of course, Brian would not be hired if Kirk didnt want him. As for statement that Kirk reached out, that could mean he told Brain to apply rather than actually offering him the job. Of course, he would not have told him to apply if he wasnt interested in seeing him have the job.

Let s not overreact and make a mountain out of molehill. There are other schools that have followed similar process in hiring relatives of head coach. Virginia Tech was one mentioned by Brian.
I think we all know it is nothing, but what I am saying is the AP is making it a bigger deal than it is, and I'm sure somebody will have to look into for PR reasons. All i'm saying.
The situation is a reaction to the specific nepotism rules put up by the university. I think the spirit of the rule is definitely followed. The rules are in place so that someone in the position of power at the university can't abuse their power to hire an unqualified relative for a university position. Unfortunately, the policy goes so far as to "highly discourage the practice wherever possible". BF is definitely qualified and a very, very good hire. If he wasn't Kirk's kid, we'd all be happy at the hot young NFL assistant that we stole away from a dynastic NFL franchise. An Iowa native, who played in the program, has NFL experience, and is coming home to help the program, a very similar story to Levar Woods.

But it was kind of silly for Barta to claim he pursued and hired BF. It was correct and common within the university in nepotism cases for Barta to be appointed the person to give BF his annual performance review. Unfortunately the policy forces Barta and co. to carry on this charade.
The situation is a reaction to the specific nepotism rules put up by the university. I think the spirit of the rule is definitely followed. The rules are in place so that someone in the position of power at the university can't abuse their power to hire an unqualified relative for a university position. Unfortunately, the policy goes so far as to "highly discourage the practice wherever possible". BF is definitely qualified and a very, very good hire. If he wasn't Kirk's kid, we'd all be happy at the hot young NFL assistant that we stole away from a dynastic NFL franchise. An Iowa native, who played in the program, has NFL experience, and is coming home to help the program, a very similar story to Levar Woods.

But it was kind of silly for Barta to claim he pursued and hired BF. It was correct and common within the university in nepotism cases for Barta to be appointed the person to give BF his annual performance review. Unfortunately the policy forces Barta and co. to carry on this charade.

The funny thing is that Kirk probably would be more critical of Brian in the annual review than Barta will be. Like most fathers Kirk would expect more from Brian than from other people. Also, Barta won't want to upset his big money maker.
Brian Ferentz says father Kirk, not Iowa Hawkeyes' AD, hired him - ESPN

I think this is a stupid thing. Of course they are going to talk about it. They are father and son. BF never said KF did any interviewing, and Barta said that KF was not involved in the interview process or salary setting. I think the AP is reaching big time here, but it could be a potential issue that the university will be forced to look into.
Leave it to the UI Administration to make this messy.
Long story short, ESecPN is trying to take a pot shot at Iowa same as they always do at any opportune time no matter how large or small. Look at what Pat Forde pulled last year with the Rhabdo incident. Yes, what happened was something that needed to be looked into but that bag o stuff jumped all over Iowa and Ferentz going so far as to say that he doesn't care about his players and that he is sitting in recruits living rooms and lying to their parents without even one second of investigation. Real objective on his/their part. Just so happens that Forde went to Missouri and Iowa just so happened to beat Mizzou in the Insight Bowl a few months prior. HHHHmmmmmmmmmmmmm................
Not to mention the fact that John had written a piece in response to what Forde and what the other ESecPN guy had written (cant remember his name right away) and I had posted a link to it in one of their forums five different times and it was deleted by ESecPN all five times. I wrote a an email to Adam Rittenberg questioning the objectivity of his employer and his response was that he doesn't monitor the comments in their forums. He said that the article for which I had provided a link to was considered spam and or it was profanity laced. Both of which where false. Several other Iowa fans attempted to place the same link in other forums related to that incident and it was removed every time. Real objective.
I don't want this thread to go away just yet. Would like to see the thoughts of other Iowa fans in regards to what I posted earlier.
The "gotcha" mentality of the press at it's ugliest. Rumors, innuendo, and maybes is how lazy reporters try to stir the pot to get eyeballs. Nothing will come of this.:(
It's a stupid argument, really. Can anyone expect that BF and KF will never talk about Iowa Football and coaching opportunites? My guess is KF asked Brian if he was interested and Barta took over officially. KF is a smart guy and I suspect he is very protective of his children. No way he'd throw Brian in the line of fire without (1) knowing he can do the job well (2) knowing every "i" was dotted and "t" crossed before making this public.
Not to mention the fact that John had written a piece in response to what Forde and what the other ESecPN guy had written (cant remember his name right away) and I had posted a link to it in one of their forums five different times and it was deleted by ESecPN all five times. I wrote a an email to Adam Rittenberg questioning the objectivity of his employer and his response was that he doesn't monitor the comments in their forums. He said that the article for which I had provided a link to was considered spam and or it was profanity laced. Both of which where false. Several other Iowa fans attempted to place the same link in other forums related to that incident and it was removed every time. Real objective.

ESPN has an ombudsman you should contact if you have questions about their supposed objectivity.