Bet Heavy on Georgia this week?


Well-Known Member
Conspiracy theory here... but I don't think this news on Cam Newton would have broke without some solid evidence.

This is a disaster for the SEC right now as Auburn is likely it's only chance at participating in their 5th straight.

Then top on the Heisman Candidacy and it is just a total embarrassment.

What's the best way to make it all go away? Have Auburn Lose.
Auburn was around -9.5 last time I looked, but don't quote me on it.

This conspiracy theory is retarded. Cam Newton is still the best player in the country, and he's still playing tomorrow. I don't know where this game is being played, but I think Auburn should win fairly handily.
Darren Rovell reported on Twitter a few days ago that a number of Vegas casinos took the game off the board. And then he also reported that Bodog took down their Heisman odds as well.
Conspiracy theory here... but I don't think this news on Cam Newton would have broke without some solid evidence.
In this day and age, there's no way you can assume this. Just as easily could have been ticked off Mississippi State and Florida folks trying to sully the name of a competing athlete. At this point it's all he-said vs he-said.
Georgia has been playing much better the last 5 games, I liked Georgia + the points when this line came out.
Georgia has been playing much better the last 5 games, I liked Georgia + the points when this line came out.

They've beat Tennessee, Vandy, Kentucky and Idaho St during that time, they let offensively challenged Florida put up 34 on them, if Newton plays, Auburn is going to win by at least 10.
There are now 3 people stating that Cecil Newton directly solicited money for this kid. That does not count the MSU coaches who also were apparently asked point blank for money. No matter what happens, this kid's college rep is toast. There is just way, way too much smoke around this one.
The latest from the Twitter-verse

Charles Robinson
Latest w/ Cam Newton: NCAA has made Auburn aware of potential eligibility issue. Now Auburn decides whether to risk playing him. Their risk.
28 minutes ago

Dan Wetzel
NCAA can't sit a player. Up to the university. Once NCAA cites an eligibility issue, schools tend to be cautious. Not good for Cam
16 minutes ago

Dan Wetzel
In terms of future sanctions (if -- big if -- there are any) playing a guy with an eligibility issue would not be taken lightly
12 minutes ago

On Wednesday, Chizik said he's playing. Today, the AD says no comment. Hmm.
What I heard earlier is that there is just too much corroboration on the Miss State stuff. It goes beyond people involved at the school.

The issue is that the solicitation at Miss State is a violation even if they never actually gave them any money. So, he wouldn't even have to have received money from Auburn or anyone else to be ineligible.

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