best of luck, your gonna need it!!

See how you used Kirks name.....that makes this thread about Kirk.

You are right on that one, i did make the mistake of putting his name out there. So we know how u feel about kirk, so how do you feel about bo pelini & coach fisher making idol threats to a highschooler. Oh and by idol threat i mean dont disagree by my choice of words i mean how do u feel about how he talked to an 18 year old
You are right on that one, i did make the mistake of putting his name out there. So we know how u feel about kirk, so how do you feel about bo pelini & coach fisher making idol threats to a highschooler. Oh and by idol threat i mean dont disagree by my choice of words i mean how do u feel about how he talked to an 18 year old

Its childish. Id say with how recruits dance back and forth on what school they are gonna go to most coaches say stupid stuff. Id say it usually doesnt make a story but it did and it doesnt make Bo look good.
So that makes u his boyfriend..... since im entitled to my opinion and ur sticking up for him i figure u must be doing the pitching while hes sitting back there catching for yah.

Timmy, it's bedtime, come up from the basement and stop calling everyone on the Internet ghey.


Your moms the only one that calls me timmy, sorry if i took ur basement space billdo.
PS u may refer to me as dad now

Reporter: Coach, some have come to question your clock management decisions, what do you think of that?

KF: Who?

Reporter: Fans, media, etc...

KF: Well you know we have the best fans in the world, as for the media, *snort*.

Reporter: Coach, your team had 45 seconds left on the clock down by 7 with 65 yards to go and the clock ran down 20 seconds before you called time out.

KF: And is there a question in there?

Reporter: Why did you wait so long?

KF: why did I wait so long for what?

Reporter: To call timeout?

KF: Huh?

Reporter: Coach, why did you wait to call time out at the end of the game?

KF: Well, I don't think we waited too long.

Reporter: Well, then you ran an off-tackle run play with no time outs.

KF: I'm sorry is there a question?

Reporter: Why the run play?

KF: Well you know we ran a delayed hand off with A-Rob back in '09 when it back 3rd down and 25. Got the first down, no one questioned that.

Reporter: Coach, you didn't need a first down, you needed a touchdown.

KF: Yeah, and?

Reporter: Seriously?

KF: Seriously, what?

Reporter: You aren't going to answer my question are you?

KF: Sure, what was the question?

Reporter: Why wait to call timeout, then run an off tackle run play with no timeouts left.

KF: Well, we aren't sexy, we are just Iowa.

Reporter: Well coach you are now 4-8, how do you feel the season played out?

KF: We needed to catch, pass, block better and we didn't, that's football.

Reporter: I hate you, coach.

KF: Back atcha, big guy.

Reporter: Do you have any more gum.

KF: Yes, but only one piece and it's my last and you can't have it. It's not like I make a lot of money. I am on a budget.

Kid sounds immature
Coach sounds immature
Bo has never been described as "mature" ever.
Actually, if put aside your Hawkeye hate and you listen to kids that have committed to DoNU, both the kids and their parents love the fact that Bo is no nonsense and honest with them. He doesn't pressure the kids and is very much up front with them.

Also, this whole story by Walker is a fabrication, fwiw. From more than one alleged "insider" I heard it from, Walker was messing around instead of staying firm on his committment, and Bo pulled his offer. This upset the guy, so he went on with the scharade about deciding who he was going to commit to and these alleged phone calls.

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