before last play call what did the camera catch


Well-Known Member
Man I hope he doesn't read these but did it look like DJK was ****** when he saw the final play call? actually i guess thats just speculation but, he was mad bout something. Anyone else catch this
I wasn't there (obviously), but watching the tape, it looks like KOK called the play up for McNutt. As MM and DJK play the same position, he was a little upset. I'm ok with that. He's a gamer and wants to be on the field at all time. He wants to be the guy. He came up big in this one again. KOK saw McNutt's size advantage and wanted to show fade, then they went post. It was genius. DJK is a team player, there's nothing wrong with a guy wanting to be on the field.
But DJK was on the field on that last play...? He and Stross were split to the bottom of the screen, weren't they?
I saw DJK upset too. I'm sure he was trying to get a word in about how he had his guy beat every time.

I can't wait to watch that final drive about 10x today. The fact is O'Keefe made up completely on that final drive for all the "questionable" play calls on the goal line, earlier in the game.
Were they? I missed that. I suppose with Sande out, it was DJK wide right... can anyone verify? I'm not around my TV.

DJK did certainly look a little put-off by something said in the huddle.

Yes, It was Stross slot-right, DJK wide right. McNutt wide left (obviously!!!!).
I took it more as trying to pump the team up. Like shaking his head and saying "come on guys we can't let them beat us. We've got to get in the endzone" type of thing. I just watched the replay of the game on the BTN like 20 min ago, and I didn't think he looked mad. Just my opinion though.
We already had this thread last night, why did you have to make another one. DJK was ****** because he wasn't getting the ball on the last play of the game. He is a gammer and wants the ball in his hands when the games is on the line!
I thought you were going to say that the cameras caught KF putting in a new piece of gum. :)

I think it was an excellent call. Put the two playmakers all drive at the bottom to draw attention that way, put Moeaki in motion to the same side of the field and have man-to-man with a player (Mcutt) that maybe caught one pass all game. As the Guinness cartoon would say...BRILLIANT!!!!
He was huffing and puffing and was irritated by something.

But the kid is a player, and a playmaker. I have no problem if he were upset that the ball was not going to come his way on that final play, not in the least bit.
He was huffing and puffing and was irritated by something.

But the kid is a player, and a playmaker. I have no problem if he were upset that the ball was not going to come his way on that final play, not in the least bit.
I agree. I love the fire. He doesn't back away from anything. He's a player.

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