Beathard or Mullens for 49ers backup?


Well-Known Member
Are the 49ers sticking with Mullens as a long term audition for the 2nd string position next year? I know Mullens had the first big game but it was against a really crappy raiders defense. I dont check much but Mullens seems to have decent numbers but not much in wins. Or is CJ still the main # 2 but was just dinged up a bit and he is healing?

Any NFL insiders on HN?
Doesnt take insider knowledge to see what happened. They going in on Mullens now (as backup an next year) and CJ will likely be cut at some point before next season. But I'm sure he will get another chance at backup elsewhere.
Mullens has had some decent games, but there's no way he's a major upgrade from Beathard. They were both smart enough, however, to recognize what they had in Kittle.
Unfortunately that is probably his last highlight as a 9er. I sure someone will pick him up though, where he'll probably remain for at least 1 more year.
Unfortunately that is probably his last highlight as a 9er. I sure someone will pick him up though, where he'll probably remain for at least 1 more year.

I hope so and I hope he gets some more starts as he did well when he got to play.

If he gets 4 years in that should be some good dough to put away for the future.