Beathard at QB

hartlieb came in for his shot in the end of the first half and promptly pitched it to a tennessee guy instead of an iowa guy. tennessee guy went for 6. did that directly cost them the game, no. but iowa was about to score, so it was a 14 point turnaround. guess what, fry stuck with hartlieb, instead of calling in beathard off the bench.......

That's right, but Hartlieb wasn't the starter going into that game. I think he was 3rd string. I'm going to watch that game again to see what happened. I'm not saying Rudock should be pulled because of the INT and he played a good 1st half. I just wonder if we wouldn't be better off with a rotation. KF said going into 1987 he was only sure that Hartlieb was 3rd string.
One of the greatest Iowa QBs of all-time was 3rd string going into the season and got his shot due to rotating QBs. Iowa also lost the 1st game that year by 1 pt to Tennessee. We had two other losses that year toward the middle of the season.

It's football. There is no one size fits all for everything. Some coaches like to play that musical chairs game with em. Ferentz typically doesn't. If he and Davis say Rudock is far enough ahead of the others that they don't want to change qbs off and on then it is what it is. Through one game I would have to say Rudock is no Jake C. I think to give Rudock or any qb especially a young one in his shoes a fair shot at success is to let them play without the threat of being yanked during a game. It seems Ferentz leans toward that line of thinking too. It's not right all the time obviously. That said if he throws 3 bad picks in the 1st half you gotta do what you gotta do. Didn't Stanzi throw 5 picks or something crazy against Indiana once? There is no end all be all perfect way to do it. But based on how he played this first game he didn't lead me to think that he can't be the leader this team needs.
If the QB race was as close as we've been told, Beathard should see some significant time on Saturday. Then I would like to see Rudock and Beathard take meaningful snaps against ISU and W. Michigan. By then, there would be enough evidence to make a valid choice on a starter for the Big Ten opener vs. Minnesota.

I care not who the QB ends up being, but I do care a lot about kids being given a fair chance to compete for the job. Practice is practice. Games are games. Bob Commings used to say his QB, Tommy McLaughlin, looked like a Heisman winner in practice every week, but never was able to bring it when they blew the whistle on Saturday.

I like Rudock, but I'd like to know what Beathard looks like under fire as well. You'd think the coaches might be curious, too. And besides, it would only be fair. Iowa should beat Missouri State, ISU and W. Michigan regardless of who plays QB. What we need to know is which QB really does give Iowa the best chance to win the rest of the way.

Your thread is stupid. Have you been watching as many practices as Ferentz and Davis? The last PI was a BAD call by the coaching staff...the first INT was the result of Jordan Walsh getting his ARSE handed to him by his man.
That's right, but Hartlieb wasn't the starter going into that game. I think he was 3rd string. I'm going to watch that game again to see what happened. I'm not saying Rudock should be pulled because of the INT and he played a good 1st half. I just wonder if we wouldn't be better off with a rotation. KF said going into 1987 he was only sure that Hartlieb was 3rd string.

here is the article you are referencing - and it mentions the 96 yard INT of a pitch for a TN TD, which ultimately cost iowa that game.

Remembering the Hawkeyes’ 3-way quarterback battle of 1987 [with 4 videos] | Hawk Central
At this point in time everyone is irrelevant as long as Ferentz is calling the shots.
Sound thinking, Moron, I mean Mr. Theboat. I think you missed it. Next time you feel like posting, save the poor little pixels for those who may have a brain cell left.

Wow, personal attacks are flying like crazy today. Nice goin', bozo, er, it's you again, Imported. Please stop wasting pixels. The adults are trying to have a conversation.

I hope that Beatherd can get some snaps after we put this game away in the 3rd quarter! Given the propensity of QBs to get hurt, it would be good for the backup to have some live game experience before he gets inserted into a 'crisis' situation.
One of the greatest Iowa QBs of all-time was 3rd string going into the season and got his shot due to rotating QBs. Iowa also lost the 1st game that year by 1 pt to Tennessee. We had two other losses that year toward the middle of the season.
Interesting that you should specifically point out the third string QB. Who is that again? If I remember there is some moron on here who is convinced that he is the best QB on the roster because of his scrambling ability. Who was that again?
Maybe we should allow every player equal time on the field to see if they are "gamers." How else will "we" know who should be playing and who shouldn't.

We could also do like my 1st graders team and rotate positions to keep it fair.

Then afterwards we can celebrate with pizza and ribbons.
Ruddock played well. One poor, albeit wildly costly and untimely, decision shouldn't cause people to jump ship. Maybe two including the procedure penalty on 3rd and 1. But that was the most exciting the Iowa offense has been in 3 years.
This is all conjecture since KF has picked his horse and it will be 3 years of Rudock... good times or bad, sickness or in health... yada yada yada.
I would like to see Cj Beathard get a shot this week in the game I'm from Tenn watched him play a few times in high school he's a pretty sound QB but you never know until there throwed in the fire. I wished the coaching staff would recruit in TN a little more than they do. There's always quite a few TN kids that end up playing in the big ten every year
I would like to see Cj Beathard get a shot this week in the game I'm from Tenn watched him play a few times in high school he's a pretty sound QB but you never know until there throwed in the fire. I wished the coaching staff would recruit in TN a little more than they do. There's always quite a few TN kids that end up playing in the big ten every year

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