BB Cost savings


Active Member
At this point Iowa BB may be able to save money by cancelling the rest of the season. Would not have to heat Carver for acouple thousand people. I am sure it costs quite a bit for travel for road games. From a business stand point might be the way to go. Also the lack of exposure would help not to ruin us on Iowa BB. Something for GB to think about. Seriously, I don't know if I can ever follow Iowa BB again after watching a couple min. of the Ill. and MSU games. It is like watching some one torture and animal.
The patriots could pick and choose their battles... they certainly didn't have to face the oversized, heavily armed opponents on the open battlefield (like a wide open basketball court)
At this point Iowa BB may be able to save money by cancelling the rest of the season. Would not have to heat Carver for acouple thousand people. I am sure it costs quite a bit for travel for road games. From a business stand point might be the way to go. Also the lack of exposure would help not to ruin us on Iowa BB. Something for GB to think about. Seriously, I don't know if I can ever follow Iowa BB again after watching a couple min. of the Ill. and MSU games. It is like watching some one torture and animal.

By your logic we might as well cancel the womens basketball, volleyball, some of the wrestling meets, and whatever other sports are played in Carver as well. And we should probably cancel baseball, softball, field hockey and basically any other sport that isn't football.
Close Carver for the rest of the season and move the schedule to the Field House. It would feel much more intimate, crowd noise would be a much bigger factor, we might actually have a chance to win a few games.

Play next year's games there, too. If the product gets better, if the Field House starts to fill, consider moving the games back to CHA in 2011.
Close Carver for the rest of the season and move the schedule to the Field House. It would feel much more intimate, crowd noise would be a much bigger factor, we might actually have a chance to win a few games.

Play next year's games there, too. If the product gets better, if the Field House starts to fill, consider moving the games back to CHA in 2011.
Seating is all gone at the Field House, but still a nice idea.
Seating is all gone at the Field House, but still a nice idea.

My kids used to play travel games in gymns with no bleachers, believe it or not.

From what I'm seeing on TV I don't think lack of seating would be much of a problem.

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