Well-Known Member
I've been in medical device or pharma for 25+ years. So I know a few people in health care, some in rather high positions. Most are very level-headed and reasonable, there are a couple who's politics seem to affect their objectivity. Over the last 4 months I've had conversations with RNs, Family practice Drs, internists, ER staff, a cardiologist and an epidemiologist (maybe the smartest one of the bunch) as well as a couple of administrative types. They span a wide range of political flavors.
To say it's been interesting and eye-opening would be an understatement.
One of the truest statements I’ve heard is that if some little independent pharmacy or stand-alone doctor was doing the kind of accounting and government billing the hospitals are doing with COVID, the FBI would be all over them and federal charges would be flowing like beer at a Hawkeye tailgate. That’s all I have to say about that.