B1G coaches describe other programs

“If you like old-school, grind-it-out, knock-the-snot-out-of-each-other-for-four-quarters style of football, that’s what our game against Iowa was like last year. It was amazing.”…

So, who do you think said it?
“If you like old-school, grind-it-out, knock-the-snot-out-of-each-other-for-four-quarters style of football, that’s what our game against Iowa was like last year. It was amazing.”…

So, who do you think said it?

Nothing to back it up, but I think it was Gary Anderson or maybe even Mark Dantonio. Those were really physical games
“If you like old-school, grind-it-out, knock-the-snot-out-of-each-other-for-four-quarters style of football, that’s what our game against Iowa was like last year. It was amazing.â€￾…

So, who do you think said it?

It was Gary Anderson...I think I either saw him say it or read it elsewhere.

Dantonio would not be complementary of anyone.
“If you like old-school, grind-it-out, knock-the-snot-out-of-each-other-for-four-quarters style of football, that’s what our game against Iowa was like last year. It was amazing.â€￾…

So, who do you think said it?
Anderson... Wisconsin did that to us last near, we didn't do anything to them.
Anderson... Wisconsin did that to us last near, we didn't do anything to them.

Umm… we played quite well on defense. The offense was poor though, as it was against all the better defenses last year. Defense got tired and you can’t expect to hold the wisconsin offense when you keep giving them the ball.
The analysis of Iowa was right on in this article. I am just fine with the way our program is shaped. I especially liked the quote about not being able to out scheme Iowa. Posters on Hawkeye Nation take note. Thanks for exposing us to this article...I found it fascinating, not just Iowa but the comments about other teams. Appreciate you.
Reading some of the others. This seems very accurate about Indiana.

“They’ve had some great offenses in the past and put up a gazillion points and still win five games. It’s sort of strange.â€￾ …
I bet Kirk was the coach who basically kept stating over and over "They lose player X who was a really good football player and will be hard to replace."
Anderson... Wisconsin did that to us last near, we didn't do anything to them.

Go watch the game from last year again, then come back and talk. Chances are you won't come back and talk after re-watching that game. Kthxbuhbye.
Interesting that a coach called last years’ LSU defense kinda average. I though that they were pretty good. Maybe average for the SEC?

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