Athletic Departments hiring telemarketers to sell tickets


Well-Known Member
Kinda gross...

Somewhere in the Atlanta area today, a person who has crossed paths with Georgia Tech is getting a phone call about Yellow Jackets football.Maybe it's an alum, an employee or a contractor. Maybe it's a Georgia Tech parent, the purchaser of an item through the school's website or someone who has attended a Yellow Jackets basketball game.
The call is coming from Georgia Tech's campus — from a line in the athletic complex. It sounds as if it's coming from someone with Georgia Tech athletics. They're selling Georgia Tech football tickets. And if you tell them about your friends who like Georgia Tech football, they'll make sure your friends get a call, too.
The caller doesn't work for Georgia Tech. He or she works for the Aspire Group, an Atlanta-based firm that has been hired by Georgia Tech and other schools seeking to join the latest trend in college sports: a push to boost revenue by being dramatically more aggressive and sophisticated in sales and marketing activities.


Marketers reshape how college teams sell tickets -
This is not particularly new or gross. I find it more "gross" to be called by clueless people who are really with the university!

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